#livelifeadventurously + weekly workouts
Thank you for all the comments last week regarding dealing with not being able to train like I used to when I was in my 20s. I guess with being postpartum and in my 30s now, I'm going to have to learn what my body can handle all over again. I know after I had MacKenna was really when I figured out what training works best for me, but it looks like I'm going to totally have to relearn all that.Despite taking the weekend off from training, it wasn't a horrible week of training. I finally came to my senses on Friday and realized that even though my foot hurt the least during a run, it was incredibly painful after, especially the next morning. So, I've tried my best to spend a lot of time icing, rolling, and off my feet. By Saturday morning, I was walking completely normal again and actually forgot about the pain for a few hours.Monday: 3 mile easy run (8:02/mile) + Legs/AbsTuesday: 4 mile easy run (7:42/mile) + Shoulders/TricepsWednesday: 2 mile easy run (8:11/mile)
Thursday: 3 mile easy run (8:00/mile) + Chest/AbsFriday: Legs/Back/BicepsSaturday: OFFSunday: OFFTotal: 12 milesThe few days off seemed to work well, which was great because we had big plans on Sunday and I absolutely needed to be able to walk normally. One of the things on my bucket list for several years now was to do a zip line course. I've been hinting to Matt for awhile about doing one and Branson and keeping my eye out for a coupon deal to go (some of them can be expensive).Well, Sunday, I finally got to check zip lining off my bucket list! Matt and I had the opportunity to do the GoApe course at Creve Coeur Park. With as many times as we have run around the lake there, I had absolutely no idea there was even a zip line course right up the road!
GoApe is much different than what I expected - it's not your typical zip lining course. It's actually a ropes course and zip line course rolled in to one. So, you're not just zip lining from one tree to another. You are actually having to climb across tight ropes, swing like Tarzan, and climb up nets. It was like American Ninja Warrior with cables helping you get across each obstacle. It solidified the fact that I am so not cut out to do ANW, no matter how much I want to. It was difficult and I had cables and pulleys helping me out!
They first took us through sort of a mini training course on the ground, teaching us how to hook and making sure we knew how to stay safe. Once our group complete that, we went to another mini course, but this one was a few feet off the ground. We had the opportunity to hook ourselves up, climb, and do a mini zip line. I ended up being the first person in our group to go, and thought to myself, "Oh, this is going to be easy."
That is, until we got to Site 2, and we were much higher up in the trees and had to do the Tarzan Swing, which meant stepping off the platform and swinging over to a climbing net. I am not afraid of heights in the slightest, but I am scared to death of falling. I was double and triple checking my attachments just to make sure. It was definitely nerve wracking - and thankfully Matt was experiencing the same nerves I was.
After that first set of ropes and zip lines, we were on our own. We were able to go at our own speed, with the workers checking on us from the ground occasionally. Matt + I were first in our group and were pretty much by ourselves on the course the entire time. This gave us the opportunity to take our time and take pictures and video.
The whole course (a total of 5 different sites) took us about an hour and a half to complete. Like I said, it was much harder than I thought it would be, but I'm happy to say, I only had one little freak out on the Tarzan Swing. It definitely took me out of my comfort zone a little bit and gave me the opportunity to face my fear of falling while being able to cross something off my bucket list.
The motto at GoApe is to "Live Life Adventurously". This year, GoApe is hosting their first National Live Life Adventurously Day on Sunday, September 27. With every ticket you purchase for September 27, Go Ape will donate one to Big Brothers Big Sisters. Whether you try something new, like a zip line you've always wanted to do, or something that gets you out of your comfort zone, like facing your fear of heights or falling, find something that challenges you to live your life just a little more adventurously. Follow the hashtag #livelifeadventurously all this week to see how others our getting out of their comfort zone.This post is sponsored by GoApe.