littles, links, + loves // march 2016
It's been quite an interesting week. Monday was a professional development day and with kids coming back to school on Tuesday, I felt like we had 2 Mondays this week. Then, I got knocked down by the stupid stomach bug on Wednesday night. I had every intention of going to work on Thursday, but after trying to stand up to shower was just a little too much, so I ended up laying on the couch all day on Thursday. What a way to finish March, huh?Anyway, here is what else I've been up to + loving lately...// littles //We had a fabulous Easter with this kids this past weekend. Kenna is at the perfect age to hunt for Easter eggs and she was so excited for the THREE she had on Sunday. Miles sort of got it and picked up the eggs and would put them in a basket, but that was the extent of it. I think his walking made it so much more fun this year for all of us. I absolutely love the fact that he is walking and is able to get around everywhere. Plus, he looks so darn cute walking!
// links //Not really a link, but some pretty school techy stuff I learned early this week for Google and Gmail. Have you guys heard of Google Keep? I hadn't heard of it until Monday (thank you professional development) - it's a note keeping app that is both phone and web-based. At first, I wasn't so impressed by it since I have a notes app on my iPhone. But, Google Keep is super cool in that you can take a picture + transcribe it to text, and, like Google Docs, Sheets, etc., you can collaborate with people on it. Um, how perfect is that for things like a grocery list with the hubby or other to-do lists?! I admit that I am a pencil and paper person, but I definitely can see how handy this would be for remembering things.I also learned that you can turn on labs in your Gmail, such as canned responses, a split screen, etc. Just go to your settings, click on the "labs" tab, and choose the ones you want to enable. Made my life just a little easier for sure!// loves //I'm going with the "what I'm reading and watching" theme in this part. One of my original goals for 2016 was to read 10 pages a day, but that got a little too daunting for me. So, I changed my goal to read 1 book a month, and thankfully I am actually ahead of my goal right now. I'm actually on my 5th book of the year, and so far, I've only read one fiction book, but it has been by far the best book I've read so far this year.Last month, I finished "Girl on the Train" by Paula Hawkins. I think I'm finally learning the types of books I really enjoy, and this definitely fit the bill of a good psychological thriller. I love murder mysteries and things that will keep me on the edge of my seat, without giving me nightmares, ha. I will admit, that it took me a chapter or two to really get into it, but after that, I was making excuses to run on the treadmill just so I could read. I highly recommend it!The show that I'm really loving right now is "60 Days In" on A&E. This is a documentary in which 6 people enter a police-lead program by going to prison for 60 days in order to provide feedback to the sheriff about what is happening in the prison. I was a "Making a Murderer" watcher, but I will definitely admit that this is so much better! It just keeps you wondering, who's going to make it out unscathed in those 60 days. Lord knows it wouldn't be me...Oh, and I rewatched the first season of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (OK, so I binge watched the last 8 episodes yesterday while I was sick on the couch) because the new season comes out on April 15! No fooling here, kids! I'm so excited - I freaking love that series!