littles, links, + loves // august 2016
I feel like this has been both the longest month ever and the shortest. I also already think it's September and it's really screwing me up. I'm pretty sure August is my least favorite month of the year: school starts back up, it's deathly hot, and I'm just really looking forward to fall weather. I've very thankful tomorrow is the beginning of the fall season (hello, pumpkin spice latte!), but let's back up and take a look at some of the things I've been loving in August (since I really dislike the actual month).// littles //How in the WORLD is Miles only 4 months away from becoming a 2 year old?! He certainly knows that he's a toddler now. The boy can throw quite a tantrum when he doesn't get what he wants. He is also into EVERYTHING. He has learned to climb on the furniture, and if he can't climb on something he figures out a way to get up there. For example, he has learned how to carry the step stool from the bathroom into MacKenna's room to climb up onto her bed. We seriously cannot leave this kid out of our sight! Good thing he's so dang cute!
MacKenna started Pre-Kindergarten this month - it kills me that she will be in Kindergarten in less than a year! We were a little nervous because we absolutely LOVED her teacher last year, but after meeting with her teacher this year, we know we have made the right decision on where to send her to preschool. She is loving school, which makes us so thankful! I love watching her grow + develop into quite the little girl!
// links //I've talked about this a few weeks ago - and some of you may have seen me post about it on Facebook and Instagram recently - but it's officially been 1-year since my postpartum depression diagnosis. I do feel like I've come a LONG way from where I was a year ago, and very thankful for the help that I have been given. But, I will admit to having a few setbacks over the past year. Things have brought back those same fears and memories - and I DO still get overwhelmed and angry from time to time. But, I think a lot of it is normal. I feel NORMAL. I feel like myself. I don't feel helpless, worthless, or lonely at all anymore. I'm very thankful for the support from my husband, family, and friends over the past year - I could not have gone through this without them!That being said, I had a friend share this article last week about a woman who committed suicide due to postpartum depression. I felt like it could have been me. I know exactly how she felt, I know the thoughts going through her head, I know the fear, depression, and loneliness you feel. If I could scream this from the rooftops, I would, but YOU ARE NOT ALONE. There are so many of us experiencing those same things. Please, if you feel like you are experiencing ANYTHING that you don't think is right, get help. Talk to someone. If you're not comfortable talking to your doctor or spouse, please feel free to contact me. I don't want you to become another statistic - I feel like speaking about PPD is part of my calling in life and I don't want anyone to go through what I went through. You are NOT alone...// loves //
On a MUCH lighter note, it's PUMPKIN time! I scouted out my favorite pumpkin beer recently because they came out with a NEW sampler pack! If you haven't had O'Fallon Pumpkin Ale yet, it's a MUST TRY! This year, their sampler includes Vanilla Pumpkin Ale, Jack O'Latte Stout, Peach Pumpkin Ale, and Apple Cinnamon Pumpkin Ale. Can you guess which one I absolutely fell in LOVE with?! Coffee and pumpkin are 2 of my favorite flavors of anything and I absolutely LOVED the Jack O'Latte Stout! Probably one of the best pumpkin beers I've EVER had!Also, if you haven't tried the Cafe Latte Shakeology yet, you NEED to! I never thought I would like anything other than the vegan chocolate, but the Cafe Latte has been a game changer for me! I crave it in the mornings! It is SO good! Let me know if you're interested in trying some - there is a money back guarantee, even if the bag is empty, and I can tell you how you can save 20% on your monthly bag of Shakeology!