littles // links // loves
We're changing things up over here with a new format for "things I'm loving". Now, that Miles is a year old, I won't be sharing nearly as many updates about my two favorite littles. So, I figured I could sneak in a few pictures every month about things we've been up to lately, along with some links/videos/blogs I've been obsessed with, and other random things I'm loving right now. Hopefully you'll enjoy the new format and get your cute baby fix for awhile!littlesMiles is now 13 months and on the verge of walking. He is pretty much the biggest goofball in the world and is always doing something to make us laugh and smile. Right now, he loves shaking his finger when we sing, "NO MORE MONKEYS JUMPING ON THE BED!" and pushing our chins up so that we can see every light that he wants to point out to us. He's definitely a sweet + silly little boy.
Monday will mark 3 years since MacKenna's eye surgery. (For those of you who are new to the blog, MacKenna suffered from 6th nerve palsy causing a strabismus in her left eye. After patching unsuccessfully for a few months, MacKenna ended up having surgery to correct it.) Thankfully, we have not had too many repercussions since then. Her eye slightly overcorrects to the outside, but she has near perfect vision. We go back to the eye doctor every 6 months and while another surgery and/or corrective glasses has been brought up, there has been nothing done about it. Yet.
linksSo, MacKenna gets a half hour on the iPad every night before bed, typically coinciding when I'm feeding Miles (more on that next week). She usually sits and watches really stupid videos (in my opinion) on YouTube Kids. One of them she discovered were these challenge videos by Rosanna Pansino of Nerdy Nummies. I watched one with her and I have been hooked ever since. Ro is absolutely adorable and her challenge videos with her sister are a must watch. Matt + I will actually watch the videos without MacKenna around. Ha! Or if you don't feel like watching the challenge videos, at least watch her house tour. It's well worth the 15 minutes out of your life!Besides the iPad, which is used mostly as a reward for good behavior (meaning no time outs), we are always looking for ways to keep Kenna entertained. Emily posted on Instagram a few days ago a picture of her adorable little guys drawing pictures from Art Hub for Kids. I immediately looked up the videos, showed them to MacKenna, and our plan this afternoon is to come home and draw the My Little Pony Apple Jack. I'm praying she (or Miles) ends up with Matt's artistic ability (he has a degree in art education and is an AMAZING painter) and not my absolute lack of art skill. Make sure to follow me on Instagram - I'll be drawing with her so I'll post both of our pictures. Hopefully she can sit through the entire video!lovesI mentioned it the other day, but we are absolutely loving Making a Murderer on Netflix. We just finished Episode 7 last night, so we are nearing the end. I won't give anything away (I'm trying my best to avoid any outside details to not ruin the show for me), but I'm getting a little worried as the case comes to a close...While we've had Netflix for a little over a year now, we recently signed up for SlingTV because they had an offer for a free Roku 2. We cut cable when we moved to our new house because we just didn't watch anything besides the local news, Food Network, and Disney Channel. It just wasn't worth the $70+ a month to pay for shows we could essentially watch on Netflix. However, we've missed Food Network and Disney channel (and end up sitting and watching both of those channels while we're on vacation), so Sling was the next best thing. But, this love isn't just for Sling, it's for our Roku box. We've had it for a week now, and we are LOVING it! I have Beachbody on Demand now and did a 21 Day Fix workout with my BFF on Wednesday and it's been so nice to have something to watch on TV when there's nothing on the 5 other channels we have.
what are you loving lately? anyone else watching making a murderer? what's your favorite netflix or other streaming show right now?[Tweet "Love for Nerdy Nummies and Making a Murder - some of my favorites lately!"]