How to LEVEL UP in 2019

2018 has been nothing short of amazing. It’s definitely been quite a life changing year. I quit my run coaching business + my 9 to 5 job to pursue online business as a social marketer and online business manager. It definitely does not make sense on paper - and believe me, it’s about the most terrifying thing I ever could have done (even more than skydiving, which I’m petrified of doing) - but at the same time, it was something I knew deep down that if I was ever going to reach my FULL POTENTIAL that it was something I had to do.So, while it doesn’t make sense to go from a steady income for a family of 4 to selling shampoo full time, it’s been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. And something I know I am absolutely supposed to be doing at this point in my life.However, I know that I still haven’t reached my full potential. I am still looking for MORE. I still know I am capable of so much more. What that means for me now + in the future (I’m looking at you 2019) is that I have to LEVEL UP.If you ever want to get to the next level in your life, business, fitness, etc., you HAVE to get out of your comfort zone. You HAVE to find a way to “level up.” So, if you’re feeling that way - if you’re feeling like you have yet to reach your full potential, that you have so much more you are capable of in your life, I want to encourage you to start with the following things to help you hit that next level in your life or business.1. Have some self-awareness of who you are - your strengths + weaknesses, etc.2018 has been a HUGE year of growth for me. I’ve gotten WAY out of my comfort zone and have pushed myself to levels I wasn’t sure was actually possible for me. But, to get to that level - and to get to the next level - I had to do a LOT of self-awareness.What are my strengths? What are my weaknesses? What keeps me stuck and what pushes me to do more?The first thing I did to gain some self-awareness was that I IMMERSED myself in personal development. I did not read a single fiction book this year. Every book I picked up was some sort of personal or professional development book. I knew that in order for me to reach my next level of success, I needed to learn everything I could about how to get there. Instead of listening to music on my runs, I started listening to podcasts + audiobooks. I was constantly LEARNING how to become a better version of myself.The other thing that I did that has been HUGE for my self-awareness has been learning my Enneagram number. I’ve taken personality tests before like the Myers-Briggs, but nothing had taught my more about who I truly am, my strength + my weaknesses, than the Enneagram.I am a 9 with a 1 wing. A 9 is a peacekeeper - basically, I avoid conflict, go along with the crowd, and try to keep everyone happy. I love stability and I minimize any problem that might arise. (This was a huge trap for me as I was dealing with PPD - I kept telling myself, “Oh, it’s not that bad. I’m making a big deal out of nothing,” when really, I desperately needed help.) I tend to get complacent with things because everything is going just fine.But, at my best, when I am truly a health 9, I am intensely connected with other people. I can bring people together and feel fulfilled (instead of complacent) in my life. And my 1 wing, I am able to DREAM BIG and see that dream come to fruition. BUT, it takes me getting out of that stability for me to get there.I now know that when I’m feeling overwhelmed that it’s hard for me to get started - and I SEE that. I can take action to keep moving forward. I don’t WANT to be complacent - I want to hit the next level, so it’s a constant push for me to get out there in order for me to hit the next level.If you don’t know your Enneagram number, go read the descriptions over at the Enneagram Institute, or you can take a FREE test from Your Enneagram Coach. I HIGHLY recommend the book The Road Back to You (one of the best books I read this year) to learn exactly what makes you tick.2. Surround yourself with people who are going to help you get to that next level.I feel like this one is a lot easier said than done. Sure, we have our friends, our partners, our coworkers… but are those people truly supporting you and helping you become the best version of yourself? I’m not telling you to NOT be around them, but let them know where you are headed (again, a lot easier said than done). They can either get on your level, or you can leave them behind.Find those people who are going to push you out of your comfort zone, who are going to force you to get up to THEIR level.One of the reasons 2018 was so successful for me was because I found those people. I found those people who were a step ahead of me and could push me, call me out (when I was getting complacent), and guide me to that next level. I’m not saying you need to spend thousands of dollars on a mentor or coach, but who are those people you admire? Who are the people who you go, “Dang, they are crushing it! I want to be like them!”Don’t be afraid to reach out to them. You NEED to be surrounded by those people to help you to get to the next level. Sometimes that means investing in a mentor or a course. Other times, it just means changing who you spend the most time with. That’s not to say I’m going to completely ignore the people who aren’t at my level or beyond, but that I can be that support and mentor for THEM (or for you).So, who’s ready to LEVEL UP with me?! What steps are you going to take? What books are you going to read? What’s your enneagram number? Who are you going to surround yourself with? I encourage you to go take action TODAY! Or if you’re looking to level up WITH me, reach out to me + let’s chat!
