last of the 2-a-days

Only a few days left of 2-a-days for me (weights in the morning, run in the afternoon)!  I seriously can’t wait for summer.  Like I said to another teacher at school today, I love summer.  It’s probably one of the best things about being a teacher – not that I don’t love my job, it’s just nice to have a break from the same kids for a little while.

I have been loving my lifting routine lately.  It took me a few months to find something I really love, but I think I’m going to stick with the routine I have going for awhile.  I am doing a 4-day split routine:  2 pull days (back, hamstrings, biceps, shoulders) and 2 push days (chest, quads, triceps, shoulders).  Today was a push day:

  • Back Squat 3x10 (with Smith machine)
  • Incline Bench Press 3x10 (with Smith machine)
  • Leg Extensions 3x15
  • 1-Arm Cable Punches 3x15 each arm
  • Push-Press 3x10
  • Cable Triceps Extensions 3x10

I don’t know why, but I definitely prefer pull days over push days.  I just love doing exercises for my back – I think a muscular back is gorgeous for some reason.

Of course, I ended my routine with some Planks for my #Fitblog Planks Challenge.  The challenge has been going well.  Like I said last week, I HATE doing core work, so I surprised myself by actually completing all 3 workouts I had planned – even my Sunday post-run planks!  Right now, it’s challenging, but nothing I can’t handle.  Next week, I bump up my time to 45 second holds, so that should be a little more difficult.

This afternoon, I actually had an amazing run!  For awhile, I was trying to do my runs with limited walk breaks – only doing a 2 minute walk warmup and then walking another 2 minutes at my half way point, if I needed too.  However, running has been really difficult lately.  I have really been pushing myself with weight lifting (don’t worry, Mom + Matt, not too hard) and I can tell it has had an effect on my legs.  They just feel dead during my runs.  Of course, the stuffy nose I’m sporting right now isn’t helping, I’m sure.  So, lately my runs have been 8 minutes of running with 2 minutes of walking throughout.

Today, I decided to try something different.  Instead of 8 minutes of running, I did 4 minutes of running followed by 1 minute of walking.  The more frequent walking breaks made this run so much easier!  My splits definitely proved my legs felt good:

  • Mile 1 = 9:37
  • Mile 2 = 9:34
  • Mile 3 = 9:31
  • Total = 3.1 miles in 29:33

Although it felt great, it was definitely a HOT day.  I was thankful for the cloud cover that came right when I began my run.  Not only was I thankful for clouds, but also for the rest of my Smoothie King Angel Food smoothie leftover from yesterday!

The high school seniors who were helping us out at school the past few weeks brought us these as a thank you/goodbye.  Definitely hit the spot after a hot afternoon run.


Two other things of note:  I found our Garmin watch!  It was on my desk chair, covered by a pair of jeans I had draped over the back for a couple of weeks.  This is why you should always put clothes back where they belong.


And, um, hello pregnant running belly!


I think I am actually starting to look pregnant and not just like I’m trying to work off my beer belly.  I hate being so self-conscious of my baby bump when I’m running, because I think it’s beautiful otherwise.  (Especially times like now when I’m actually feeling her move a little.)
