it's not a tumor

(A bit of Schwarzenegger humor for you...)We took MacKenna for her MRI on Monday. It was a loooooong day. Her MRI wasn't scheduled until 12:15, which meant that from midnight on Sunday night to after her test, all she could have was clear liquids. We kept her up as long as we could Sunday night, hoping she would sleep in on Monday.No such luck. She woke up at 4:30 am, but Matt was thankfully able to get her back to sleep and she handled the rest of the morning beautifully.As soon as they admitted us at the hospital and put us in the room, I started crying. It's just so nerve wracking to know your little girl is going through a pretty serious procedure. She absolutely wanted nothing to do with the nurses, which made it even harder for me.They gave her a sedative to start, and then we were able to walk her up to where they would do the MRI. I'm thankful we didn't have to be there when they put her under. I know I wouldn't have been able to handle that.The whole thing took about an hour. She was pretty cranky waking up, but once we got some fluid in her and her IV out, she was much happier. Unfortunately, they didn't have any results for us, but I think we felt much better after she made it through the MRI and anesthesia.I received a phone call yesterday during my last class of the day from Kenna's Opthamologist. The MRI was clear! Woohoo! Best. News. Ever! We can assume it's just a virus now and that everything will clear up on its own.And she's been doing great! She fusses putting the patch on and taking it off, but otherwise, she acts and plays like normal. We have a follow up in a few weeks, but we are hoping that by then, her eye starts to look better.

20121106-211433.jpgWe are so very thankful for answered prayers and all the prayers and support from you all! God is good!************And now, the other thing you've been waiting for: the winner of the Yoplait 100-Calorie Greek Yogurt giveaway.

20121106-211442.jpgCongrats Holly Marie! I will be contacting you via email! Thanks to everyone who entered!