it's beginning to feel like fall!
Well, we survived the first full week of school. And thankfully, I feel like we are in much more of a routine now, and I'm not just trying to fit in what I can, when I can. But, the best part about this week?COOLER TEMPERATURES!Fall is in the air and it. is. AWESOME! Fall is by far my favorite season - not just because my birthday is in October (start planning your gifts now!), but because it is absolutely ideal running weather. The humidity is gone, there's a nice cool breeze, and it's just absolutely beautiful. And thankfully, this year, I'll get to enjoy all my autumn miles in the afternoon! (Can you tell I'm so happy with my decision not to coach?!)Oh, and let's not forget pumpkin everything! I've already picked up a case of O'Fallon Pumpkin Beer and bought our first 2 bags of candy corn. I'm so ready for fall, it isn't even funny. I guess that means I need to start planning for MacKenna's 4th birthday, which is now less than 2 months away. *sigh*Monday: 20 to 30 minute easy run (2.95 miles @ 7:58/mile) + #FromFlattoAllThat Day 1Tuesday: 15 x 20 seconds with 1 minute recoveries - treadmill (3.77 miles @ 7:57/mile) + #FromFlattoAllThat Day 2
Wednesday: 35 to 45 minute easy run (5.15 miles @ 7:57/mile)Thursday: 1 mile warmup, 2 mile tempo run (7:42, 7:05), 1 mile cool down (7:38/mile) + #FromFlattoAllThat Day 1Friday: #FromFlattoAllThat Day 2Saturday: OFFSunday: 60 minute long run (7.5 miles @ 8:00/mile)
Total: 23 milesHope you all have a wonderful week with cooler temperatures and great runs!