housekeeping + wiaw

Before I get to WIAW, a little housekeeping to take care of:

(1) If you enjoyed MacKenna’s weekly pictures, I am still doing them every week. I will have them posted on the side bar on the left and also in the “Baby Girl” tab at the top. I take them every Tuesday evening, but sometimes I don’t get them edited until a few days later (or like last week’s, a week later).

(2) I finally finished making a Facebook fan page for The Concrete Runner! Like my page for blog updates and other fun things!

Now, onto the yummy-ness…

Wake-Me-Up Snack

I have to eat first thing in the morning. It gets my metabolism going and wakes me up. I had 2 fruit leathers to hold me over until my breakfast in the car.

Calories: 90


I seriously can’t get enough of these smoothies every morning! Even when it’s cold out, I still love them. I think it helps that I am wearing gloves while I drink it in the car.


Chocolate Covered Strawberry Green Smoothie

  • 1/4 cup plain yogurt
  • 1/4 cup rolled oats
  • 2 tablespoons vanilla protein powder
  • 1/2 banana
  • 3 strawberries
  • 1 tablespoon cocoa powder
  • A handful of spinach
  • 4 ice cubes

Calories: 325

Mid-Morning Snack

Honey roasted peanuts – again, I’m addicted to these! I probably needed to switch to dry roasted since these have a ton of added sugars, but they just taste so darn good!

photo 2

Calories: 160


Leftover whole wheat penne with chickpeas. The tomato sauce has cumin in it for a little added kick, a great addition! And an apple for dessert.


Calories: 470

Afternoon/Pre-Workout Snack

My usual Chobani with granola. You don’t need to hear/see me rave about this combo again.

Calories: 210


Ran to the gym to do my CrossFit workout and ended up chatting with my friend Elena and talking to my mom on the phone while there. Not too hard of a workout when you spend half of it talking! I also ran home, but took a round about way so that I got in my 3 easy miles for the day, untimed. Felt nice to just relax and enjoy the cool air.


I made this creamy Italian white bean soup out of one of my cookbooks. While we both really liked it, next time I’m going to add some potatoes and vegetarian sausage to make it more like Matt’s favorite soup from Olive Garden.


Calories: 300


I was way under my calorie goal so I had a big bowl of cereal featuring double chocolate Krave, honey roasted peanuts, and my new find…

photo 1

Dulce de Leche Cheerios! I was searching for the new peanut butter ones, but couldn’t find them. They had these though! Much better with milk than dry.


Calories: 425

Total Calories: 1980

This is almost 300 calories under my “goal”. According to this calculator, I need between 2200-2300 calories while nursing (which I am still doing exclusively – YAY!). Trying to make up for those missing calories with a huge bowl of cereal at the end of the day probably isn’t the best or healthiest idea either. I’m still struggling to lose, which doesn’t surprise me when I’m not eating nearly enough. I’ll get there…

Have you tried any of the new Cheerios flavors? What’s your favorite flavor, new or old?
