hinting around [wiaw]

Happy Hump Day! You’d think being off work wouldn’t have me looking forward to the weekend nearly as much as when I am working, but man, do I love the weekends when Matt is home and there is someone else to take care of the baby so I can actually eat + do laundry!

Oh, and the good thing about Baby going to bed late the night before? She takes much longer naps during the day! Thus, I was actually able to fix some meals and eat peacefully – with 2 hands!



My usual bowl of oatmeal, except protein enhanced. I am really trying to get more protein in my diet since I know my pregnancy diet was very carbo-loaded. (And apparently, I really didn’t need all those carbs for labor since I had a C-section and only felt contractions for maybe 2 hours.) Therefore, this bowl had a little extra protein in the form of peanut flour – my go-to protein powder/supplement until I actually shell out the cash to buy some real protein powder.


  • 1/3 cup oats
  • 1/2 cup vanilla soymilk
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1 teaspoon chia seeds
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1 teaspoon carob powder (chocolatey goodness)
  • 1 teaspoon peanut flour
  • Toppings: peanut butter, granola, and coconut


OMG – something other than soup! (Don’t worry, I had some for dinner.) BBQ tofu, garlic hummus, cheddar, and tomato on (burnt) toast. With grapefruit the way it SHOULD be eaten.


If you’ve never tried eating grapefruit like an orange, you totally should! It’s so much better this way!


MacKenna and I ran some errands this afternoon, so my snack consisted of samples from Costco before heading out to the mall. My Christmas shopping is actually almost done! I’d probably be done if someone didn’t decide to come into the world the day after Christmas – 3 months before his due date. (Ahem, Matt) So, instead of buying just for Christmas, I have to buy twice the amount of gifts for said someone (Ahem, Matt).


I also needed some Starbucks after our trip to the mall.


Another tangent: our mall has a family restroom with places to nurse in privacy! So nice! Made running errands so much easier since I didn’t feel like I could only be out of the house for an hour or so.


I almost ate every meal without having to hold a crying baby. And of course, I was on my own for dinner. Thank goodness for leftovers!


Ugh, Santa really needs to bring me a light box, obviously – or the supplies needed to make one. (Ahem, Matt) This was my “best” picture of this soup. Sad, really.

White bean + vegetable soup with one of Natalie’s delicious wheat rolls on the side. Eating soup with one hand is not easy, but MacKenna didn’t have a drop of hot soup on her. #winning


‘Tis the season for Christmas cookies!


Rolo (hidden Rolo candy inside chocolate cookie), chocolate drop, and gooey butter cookies. I really need to get on making my own batch of Christmas cookies (I made these with my mommy) since I have some really great ones to make!

Is it the weekend yet?
