halloween + weekly workouts

Happy November!  I can't believe the best month of the year has already come and gone, and all the birthday celebrations are done - at least until December.  I started planning for Miles' birthday party last week.  I just cannot believe we are getting so close to him turning ONE already!  It's also definitely the start of the holiday season now that Halloween is over.Speaking of Halloween... We had a fun weekend celebrating the "holiday".  Matt + I went to a Halloween party on Friday night at his best man's house.  They host a party every year and we haven't been in several years - probably since Kenna was about 1.  They are moving across the state, so it was one of the last times we will see them for awhile.  So, we were excited to be able to go this year - and to actually have a good costume (that made came up with at 10:15 PM on Thursday night).IMG_2903Apparently, this is more of an 80's and 90's child thing, because most of the adults we have shown our costumes to just don't get it.  If you don't get it, just ask in the comments and I will help explain.Of course, Saturday night involved taking the kiddos trick or treating around the subdivision.  Thankfully, it had stopped raining for the most part by the time we went, but we still ended up getting rained on a little bit.  Miles wasn't feeling great on Saturday, so he was just not having the stroller and of course Kenna wanted to walk.  So, what probably could have taken 30 minutes, took twice as long.  We hit up some house around the block, which was just plenty, and of course found the house giving out full size candy bars.  Kenna scored a full sized Twix that will quickly be stolen by yours truly.  I also failed to get an actual picture of my kids on Halloween, so here is a picture of the neighborhood kids...IMG_2907We had our last birthday celebration with my extended family on Sunday, which of course involved a lot of food and oversharing of information.  All our poor in-laws - thankfully, Matt handles it pretty well.  I also got a great long run in Sunday morning, in the daylight, thanks to daylight savings.  Miles was up at his normal time, but I was able to feed him first and then take my time running, which was just what I needed.I'm pretty happy with how my running is going lately.  I haven't felt this good running in a LONG time, so I'm hoping that's a good sign.  I'm really doing my best to gain some strength and flexibility, which seems to be helping.  Give me a few more weeks, and I'll share my prehab + flexibility plan with you guys.Monday:  30 minute easy run (3.75 miles @ 8:00/mile pace)AMRAP in 10 minutes:Situps 10xPushups 15xSitups 10xSquats 30xIMG_2886Tuesday:  60 minute easy treadmill run (7.11 miles @ 8:26/mile pace)Wednesday:  20 minute easy run (2.49 miles @ 8:02/mile pace)15-12-9 reps:Cleans, 55#Inverted RowSitupsIMG_2888Thursday:  40 minute tempo run (5.13 miles @ 7:49/mile pace - Mile 1 = 8:08, Mile 2 = 7:41, Mile 3 = 7:24, Mile 4 = 7:13, Mile 5 = 8:32, 0.13 = 8:54)21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps:Bench DipsBack Squats, 45#IMG_2899Friday:  5 rounds:Bridges 30xRun 200mWalking Lunges 50xSaturday:  OFFSunday:  60-75 minute long run (8.0 miles @ 8:30/mile pace)IMG_2909Total:  26.48 milesWith a bigger bump in mileage, I'm amazingly not sore at all and my foot feels better than it has in weeks.  But, I'm also doing a lot more to keep myself healthy, so hopefully that will keep these little nagging injuries in check for awhile.  Can't be too disappointed in the mileage or paces though!