feeding the goats at grant's farm

I'm a little late on posting this, but last week, we scratched another thing off our summer bucket list by heading to Grant's Farm.  The last time I had been to Grant's Farm was back in the summer of 2010, when we were kid-less and I was training for the Chicago Marathon.  It was my first summer I actually enjoyed drinking beer, so really, Matt and I went for the free beer samples more than anything else.This time around was a little different.  Seeing things through the eyes of your child makes the experience so much more fun!  Every time we pointed out an animal (mostly cows and bison) on the tram ride in, she would go, "Awwwww!" in her cute little voice.  She also enjoyed repeating everything the little kids next to us were saying throughout the ride.  She's such a follower...IMG_6371Feeding the goats went about how I thought it would.  She was so excited, but when a bunch of them ran up to her and crowded around her, begging to be fed, she got scared and Matt ended up having to hold her while HE fed the goats.  She still thought it was fun and enjoyed telling Gigi and Pawpaw about it when we got home.P1240343P1240363P1240381And of course, they put the carousel directly across from the goats, so we headed to the carousel next.  She absolutely LOVES "riding the horsies" and has been itching to get back to "the city" (Silver Dollar City) to ride them again.  So, of course, we had to ride the horsies here.  And thankfully, we didn't have a meltdown when we had to get off.  ($2 is expensive for a carousel!)IMG_6373We spent the rest of our time there walking around a looking at all of the animals.  I am amazed at how much she LOVES animals but is scared to death to go anywhere near them.  The camels were my favorite, but she loved seeing the horses in the stables.  Her favorite one was of course the one with polka dots!IMG_6375And of course, some free samples of beer were consumed...IMG_6376We all had a great time, and even with a few meltdowns about not touching her shoes (they had goat poop on the bottom - gross), MacKenna was really good and had a really fun time!  Can't wait to take her to Disneyland in a couple of weeks - that will be even better!