#gostl half marathon training: week 9
And we're back in session! Thank goodness - this was a great week of training for me. I really needed it after a little set back - and because track starts this week. This is my first season of coaching track - or any running sport for that matter. And my first time coaching middle school in a loooooong time. I coaching 8th grade volleyball almost 7 years ago, but volleyball is definitely different than track. As of this morning, we have over 130 7th + 8th graders signed up. I'm pretty sure I'll scare a few off by the end of the week, but it'll definitely be a huge change of pace for me. Thank goodness I have 3 assistant coaches to help me out.It also means 4AM running again. We got a "new" treadmill about a year ago and finally got it all set up in the basement, so at least I have a place to run instead of the pitch black every morning. There are good things and bad things about morning runs. The obvious bad of it is that 4AM is ridiculous, but I just don't have another good time to fit it in and get me and the kiddos ready and out the door in order to get to work on time. I'm sure I could run after the kids went to bed, but I honestly just want to sit on the couch after I put them to bed. So, 4AM it is. I guess I'll need to start going to bed a little earlier now too since I've been exhausted this past week...The good news is at least I'll have my run done first thing in the morning. I have 5 weeks left of training until the half marathon and then I'll be taking some time off from any serious training, even though I have a relay on my schedule right at the end of track season. So, I'll still have to be getting some long runs in, but I can at least do some easy runs during the week.Thankfully, it's a short season with not a lot of extra commitments. Two Saturdays of meets, both of which take place after the half marathon and then a few other meets during the week. It's about 1-2 meets per week for 5 weeks - not nearly the commitment of a head volleyball coach (thank goodness).Monday: 30 minute easy run (3.53 miles @ 8:31/mile)5 rounds:Push-Ups 5xSquats 10xSit-Ups 15x
Tuesday: 8 x 400m with 200m recoveries (3.87 miles @ 7:45/mile)5 rounds:Hang Cleans 12x, 45 lbsBench Press 9x, 45 lbsInverted Row 6x
Wednesday: 30 minute easy run (3.76 miles @ 7:59/mile)Love Yoga Flow with my bestie
Thursday: 5 x 1000m with 2:30 minutes walk recovery (4.5 miles)Friday: Form work @ 180 steps per minute cadence (.46 miles @ 7:45/mile)AMRAP in 20 minutes:Walking Lunges 25xBurpees 8xWalking Lunges 25xInverted Row 8xSaturday: 90 minute long run (10.63 miles @ 8:29/mile)
Sunday: OFFTotal: 26.76 milesI also registered for TWO MORE half marathons this year! I'll be running Rock 'n' Roll Chicago again this year, and hopefully I'll be set to do RnR St. Louis in October! It's the year of the half marathon for me (don't worry - no marathons in my future for now). I'd love for you to come run with me. Use the code CONCRETERUNNER for $15 off any RnR full or half marathon!