#gostl half marathon training: week 8

OK, so maybe when I say I'm going to take a week off, I should add the disclaimer that I'm extremely stubborn and that there is a good chance I will only take off a couple of days.  Especially if I'm feeling better.  Because, by Tuesday, I had absolutely no pain in my hamstring.  In fact, I ran up the stairs to my weight room without wincing and grabbing my hamstring.  So, I ended up trying to run - after a good warm-up of course - and I felt great.So, I didn't take last week off.  I did take it easy until Thursday and then started to get back into my "normal" training.  I hesitate to say "normal" right now because I really don't know what is normal for me right now.  I really like the concept of CrossFit Endurance, but like the last time I tried it, I miss those easy runs on recovery days.  And after my USATF course last weekend, I feel like it goes against everything I learned about training days.  I feel like I would be taxing the same systems over and over and would eventually lead to burn out or overtraining.  While I haven't researched whether people are feeling that way, I'm pretty sure my body would experience that.  Because, as I am still learning about my body in my 30s, it can only handle so much.So, I'm going to go about my training a little different now.  These past few weeks helped me realize that as much as I enjoy having a training schedule all written out weeks and months in advance, it just doesn't work for me. I would much prefer to figure out what I am doing week by week, especially as my daily/weekly schedule becomes a little more crazy with track starting in a week (and Matt starting today).  I have about 6 weeks until Go! St. Louis, so we shall see how this goes.I also figured this out on my long run yesterday, since I knew that after a 9 mile run, there was absolutely no way that I'd be able to do a semi-long run or speed workout today.  My training will look a little different the next few weeks anyway, so why not start now.The Concrete Runner - Training Week 8Monday:  30 minute elliptical15-12-9 reps:Thrusters, 15 lbsSitupsRest 2 minutes12-9-6 reps:ThrustersSitupsRest 2 minutes9-6-3 reps:ThrustersSitupsIMG_3807Tuesday:  15 minute bike, 15 minute easy run (1.75 miles @ 8:35/mile)21-15-9 reps:Deadlifts, 65 lbsWalking LungesBar-facing BurpeesIMG_3841Wednesday:  10 minute bike, 20 minute easy run (2.5 miles @ 8:00/mile)30 minutes P90X3 YogaIMG_3874Thursday:  10 x 200m w/ 1 minute rest (2.09 miles)4 rounds:SDHP 10x, 45 lbsPush-Press 10x, 45 lbsFront Squats 20x, 45 lbsIMG_3935Friday:  1/2 mile warm-up, 3 x 1 mile @ 5K race pace w/ 3 minute rest, 1/2 mile cool down (4 miles @ 7:43/mile)IMG_3951Saturday:  OFFSunday:  75 minute long run (9 miles @ 8:21/miles)IMG_4011Total:  19.34 milesNot too bad of a week for an "off" week.  Last week of afternoon runs before track starts.  *sigh*  I'm still figuring out how I'm going to fit my runs in - and where - but I know I'll manage.  It's not the first time I've had to wake up before 4AM to run before... ugh.
