#gostl half marathon training: week 3

Well, the cold and the snow this past week certainly made training a little more difficult.  One of my personal semi-goals this year is to run outside as much as possible.  But, when it's snowing and the sidewalks are covered, it makes it a little more difficult.  And unfortunately, we live near some pretty busy streets, which makes training even harder.  I don't necessarily mind snow or ice, but I do mind injury and getting hit by cars, so sometimes the treadmill is the only option.Six training days this week with only 2 outside, but at least one of those runs was my long run.  One hour running around the neighborhood streets.  It wasn't fast, but within my training paces, and even though it was 23-degrees outside, I felt pretty good.  My fingers were the only thing to go numb and my face was a little frigid, but I can't complain.  Sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do...Blog - Image TemplateMonday:  30 minute easy run (3.76 miles @ 7:59/mile)21-15-9 reps:SitupsPushupsSquatsIMG_0009Tuesday:  15 minute treadmill run - it was snowing and I was at work, so I was attempting to just get something in before the 25-mile commute home (1.79 miles @ 8:23/mile)21-15-9 reps:Deadlifts, 75 lbsBench DipsWednesday:  45 minute treadmill run (5.46 miles @ 8:15/mile)3 rounds:Squat Jumps 21xSitups 21xSupermans 21xPlus, my BFF Julie + I did Flow 1 and Flow 2 Body Rock yoga videos.  I'm not joking, these were the hardest yoga workouts I've ever done.  EVER.  We were dying for some Child's Pose by the end...Thursday:  8 x hill on the treadmill - I plan on sharing some of my treadmill workouts soon (3.92 miles @ 7:40/mile)2 rounds:Situps 50xFlutter Kicks 50xIMG_0010Friday:  AMRAP in 20 minutes:Run 400m (1.31 miles)Burpees 10xDB Thrusters 5x, 15 lbsSaturday:  60 minute long run (7.30 miles @ 8:12.mile)IMG_3367Sunday:  OFFTotal:  23.54 milesI'm still working on increasing my mileage.  It doesn't help that I had to switch up and shorten some of my runs this week, but I'm getting there.  My goal is to be averaging between 25-30 miles per week, so I still have a little ways to go.  I'll be increasing my long runs by 1-1.5 miles every week, and a lot of my speed training sessions will start getting longer too.  So, I'll be close to that in the next couple of weeks.After my long run this weekend, I'm actually getting excited about some longer distance runs.  I figure if I can run circles around the neighborhood in 20-degree weather, I can easily run a decent 13.1.  Now, I'm still not confident I have a sub-1:30 in me, but I'm still going to train like I do.  Ha!