food blogger “sponsored” wiaw

I am now constantly searching for quick and easy meals with little prep but not lacking in the deliciousness department.  Thank goodness for the world of food bloggers, who so graciously “sponsored” my Tuesday eats!



Every time I go to make oatmeal in the morning (I’m a stovetop oatmeal person – I have forgotten how to make it in the microwave!), I get halfway through making it or really close to finishing and all of a sudden I have a screaming baby in my arms.  I’ve become quite the pro at eating one handed in the past 4 weeks.  But, I usually have over cooked, disgusting oatmeal.

In order for me to have a quick + tasty bowl of oatmeal, I made Heather’s slow cooker oatmeal recipe so all I had to do was heat the already cooked oatmeal in the microwave, add my toppings, and voila!  A delicious bowl of nutritious oats!  And I was even able to eat the whole thing before MacKenna woke up!


Slow cooker steel cut oats with banana, Craisins, flaxseeds, Galaxy granola, and a spoonful of peanut butter


Thank goodness for blog/foodie friends!  Natalie + her husband were nice enough to come over and bring us food this weekend in exchange for some baby holding time.  I happily obliged since I need my meals quick and easy during the day because of the above mentioned issue.


A delicious bowl of Sweet Potato + Kale soup with a quickly made Mama Pea Crack Wrap on the side for dipping.  Yummy!


OK, this one is not food blogger “sponsored” but is thanks to my foodie hubs. 


Fruit + nut trail mix from Costco.  This stuff is my crack.  Seriously.  We had to stop buying it for awhile because I would eat the entire 5 pound bag in one sitting.  Not good, but I’ve moved passed that stage in my life and can gladly eat one little bowl for a snack and feel satisfied.  I think… as I try to avoid going back for more.



Dinner was sponsored by new mommy Cate + her world kitchen.  I was planning on making her Basil + parmesan quinoa cakes (minus the basil because I’m just not a big fan), but then I saw her recipe for Quinoa with Broccoli Pesto and remembered the overabundance of broccoli we had on hand since Matt bought a 5 pound bag at Costco and I also bought a head at the grocery store.



Also, sponsored by Natalie.  Um, peanut butter cookies with M&M’s… need I say more?! 


(Natalie, is this recipe on your blog?  If it is, could you link it in the comments?  I need to make these for Christmas for sure!  And the link for the soup as well, if you have that!)

Thank you again, food blogging world, for the always delicious recipes + meals you provide!  Probably one of my best days of eats in a long time!
