five for friday
1. A couple of weeks ago, I decided to create a Bucket List. Matt has one and while at first I thought it was a little weird and creepy (who in their 30s has a bucket list already?!), he takes the time to actually seek out the stuff on his list and get them done. For example, he helped set a Guiness World Record a few years ago, and has done several other really cool things that I can't think of off the top of my head.But, it made me think - I need to have some goals in life. Some things I want to do before my life is over. Like qualify for Boston, travel to every state, and take the kids to Disney World (maybe with the ulterior motive to run a race or two), to name a few. Maybe I'll share it once I'm done...2. One of my Bucket List items is to go to Vegas. Can you believe I have never been? It might have to be a trip Matt + I take in a few years without the kiddos. And maybe, like Disney, it could coincide with Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas. I mean, how cool is it to run on the strip - at night?! Did you know that for the first time EVER you can get a discount on RnR Las Vegas for a limited time? If you use the code CONCRETERUNNERLV, you get $15 off the marathon or half marathon! (You can also use the code CONCRETERUNNER to get $15 off ANY RnR marathon or half marathon.)3. I've been chosen as a BAMR Bands Ambassador! Katie sent out our first set of bands this week and I absolutely LOVE them! I wore this one yesterday during a very hot + humid Cruise Interval run (6 x 1000m w/ 200m recoveries) and didn't have to touch it the whole time. Now, can someone teach me how to keep my bun in place during a run?!
4. Miles kinda sorta said his first sentence. OK, not really at all, but it's too cute and funny not to share. My mom has taught the grandkids (MacKenna + my nephew Braden) to say "Dig In!" after they say "Amen" after our prayer before dinner. On Tuesday when we prayed before dinner, it sounded just like Miles said "Dig In!" Matt + I died laughing. So, then again on Wednesday, he did it again! So, we said it again, and yup, sure enough, "Dig In!" And that's when I got the camera out...[video width="236" height="426" mp4=""][/video]5. OK, so I don't have a 5th thing, but I'm so ready for the long weekend. I probably won't get a post up on Monday, but I'll play catchup a little later in the week! Hope you all have a great one!