Five for Friday

I’m not going to lie.  I’ve been missing blogging a little bit, but I literally have not had time to really sit down and blog.  Literally.  So, I’m going to try – try being the keyword there – to do a Five for Friday each week to just sort of keep you updated on life, running, food, or just whatever strikes me as something you might sorta kinda care about.

1.  It has been a busy week for volleyball.  We had 3 games this week, thankfully all home games.  We ended up going 2-1 this week, putting our overall record at 5-3 and 2-1 in the conference.  I’m extremely pleased with how my girls are playing, especially after a really hard loss to a conference rival on Tuesday.   We had a hard practice on Wednesday and they came out last night and proved that they are the team to beat in our conference this year.  It’s still early in the season so there is still time to continue to grow and get better with each game.

2. Peach Fuzz > Powder Puff.  This week is homecoming week.  At the beginning of the season, I told my girls that I wouldn’t let them play Powder Puff this year because I didn’t want to chance them getting hurt.  I know.  I’m mean.  However, the homecoming chairperson came to me about hosting a Peach Fuzz game where soccer and football play each other in a volleyball game.  I have to say, for not wanting to have to put it together, it was a huge success and so much fun!  My 4 seniors coached the teams and even told me later how they now understand how stressful it is to just watch and hope and pray that your players do what you ask them to do.  I can’t wait to host it again next year!

3.  Running is getting easier.  After taking the summer off to focus on training for a triathlon and not doing any speedwork, running and running fast has gotten so much easier.  I’m happy with how I feel and I’m happy with my times.  After the Pedal and Pound this past weekend, I can’t wait for my next relay in 2 weeks with my brother!  It’s a half marathon relay, so essentially I’ll be running a 10K.  It’s been a LONG time since I’ve done a 10K and can’t wait to see my time.  Maybe, just maybe, I’ll skip doing a half in the spring and do a few 10Ks instead.

4.  It’s officially pumpkin season!  Since Labor Day, I have had a Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks every Saturday after my long run.  I’ve also started making some pumpkin smoothies, broke out the pumpkin candles, and you better believe I’ve been drinking my fair share of pumpkin beers.  Best. Season. Ever!

5.  My little girl will be 2 in less than a month.  Holy cow, when did that happen?!  I’ve missed her dearly with being so busy with volleyball this week.  I ended up sleeping with her on her bedroom floor Monday night this week, but not getting to put her to bed every night this week has been really tough.  Can’t wait to spend some quality time with her this weekend!

23 Months

What’s your favorite pumpkin flavored item right now? Did you play a Powder Puff game in high school? 

Fun Fact:  I actually broke my thumb playing Powder Puff my junior year.  Thankfully, it was after volleyball season was over, but I was too scared to play my senior year because of that injury!