We are finishing up our first week of the Elite Running Academy this week, and I am absolutely LOVING this group of 20+ runners!  It is so much fun to see them really work toward those goals and PUSH themselves out of their comfort zone, trying things they’ve never done before so they can get FASTER + stronger!However, with such a large group of runners of various ability levels + backgrounds, I have had to field several new + different questions this week regarding the program.  We focus on gaining SPEED through a structured running program, paired with short + intense interval strength workouts that focus on building strength + power.  While I try to make the strength workouts accessible for ANYONE so they don’t even need to leave the house, there are several runners in the group who simply just don’t have access to equipment.  The program CAN be done without any equipment; however, there is one piece of equipment that I believe EVERY home gym needs…


This is the ONE piece of equipment I use more than any other at home or even when I’m at my gym at school.  I absolutely LOVE the kettlebell because of it’s versatility in adding intensity to literally any exercise.  There are so many different exercises you can do with a kettlebell as well… Here is a video of a few of my favorite kettlebell exercises for adding strength + power to key muscle groups for runners (think: stronger hips, quads, hamstrings, and core muscles)!Start with 10 repetitions of each exercise, and gradually add more sets as you go.  Or for an even more intense workout, do 10 reps of each exercise in order with little to no rest between.  Repeat 3-5 times for a killer strengthening workout for runners!  Perfect way to finish your workout after an easy 3 to 5 mile run!
