So, you finished your fall racing season (or you are about to), but you are COMPLETELY lost on what to do AFTER. Pretty much every single one of my runners comes to me because they struggled getting back into running after their fall racing season last year.Recovery is a tricky thing because it is SO individual. What works for me might not work for you, or what works for you might not work for me. So, I wish I could say there is some cookie-cutter formula for recovery for everyone, but honestly, YOU need to be the one to listen to your body and determine when YOU are ready to start running again.However, there is a bit of a rule-of-thumb when it comes to how long you need to recover after a half marathon or marathon…Recovery should equal in days the number of miles you ran in your race. So, if you ran a half marathon, you need at least 13 days of recovery before you jump into any serious training. Or if you ran a full marathon, you need at least 26 days of recovery.So, what does recovery look like? This is where the individual aspect comes into play. Because, honestly, depending on your training leading up to the race could determine how quickly you recover. The better your training leading up to race day, the quicker you will recover and dive back into training again.However, that does not mean that you should start training again right away because you trained well leading up to the race. Your body still NEEDS that time to recover. And recovery doesn’t mean no running at all, it just means that you need to keep the mileage low and the pace easy for 2 to 3 weeks.Now, some of you I know will take ALL of that time off with ZERO running. And that’s perfectly fine. I’m a big believer that your body + mind need a break from running, especially with a long training season that you experience with a half or full marathon. However, you NEED to have a plan in place to get back into it after you are done recovering. Don’t let 2 or 3 weeks become 2 to 3 months when you have plans to train hard again for a big race in April or May. Time off is great, but too much time off can be detrimental to all the progress you made during your last training cycle.Enjoy some rest, but have a plan in place on how you are going to spend your off-season so you don’t take to giant leaps back and have to start all over in your training.

Don’t have a plan? Need someone to keep you accountable so you don’t make excuses and ride the struggle bus come spring time?

I have TWO SPOTS open for 1:1 Run Coaching to help you get through the off-season, build your running base back up, and help you run your FASTEST times this spring (I know, it’s CRAZY to think about spring already)!

With 1:1 Run Coaching, you get…

- A custom training plan, designed with your schedule + running goals in mind! You want to run 4 days per week and still get prepared for a half marathon PR? I will design your plan to fit into the schedule on the days YOU want to run and get you to the finish line feeling FAST + CONFIDENT!- Unlimited email + messenger access (via Facebook Messenger or Voxer). Have something come up last minute or dealing with an ache or pain and are unsure if you should run? Email or message me and I’ll make sure we accommodate your training to your needs!- Nutrition guidance + strength training workouts. Because if you want to run FASTER, you have to have ALL the components in place to get you there. Good nutrition + strength training are tools that will improve your running!- A PRIVATE community to inspire, encourage, and motivate you daily! You will have instant running buddies that will be cheering you on as you train for your races!

What are YOU waiting for?! Let’s DO THIS!!!!!!