After a pretty crappy week for me, I am again thankful to have running in my life.  It's the one thing I can count on every day to put me in a better mood.  To make me feel better about myself + life in general.  To help me get my thoughts out so I don't have a complete meltdown.  I won't go into too many details, but let's just say, the week did not go as planned.  Running was my outlet, even on the days where my run definitely didn't go as planned.But, I did have a great race that I will talk more about later this week (MUCH better than last week) and the week ended on a high note, celebrating my Little Man's 2nd birthday!  How is it even possible that Miles is TWO already!  He's definitely a fun little guy - I am loving watching him grow and develop!  His actual birthday isn't until Thursday, but with the next few weeks packed with holidays, we celebrated with some close friends + family yesterday.  Can't wait to take him to go see Christmas lights on Thursday for his birthday again this year!Monday:  Barbell Lunges 4 x 8, 65 lbsAs many rounds/reps as possible in 8 minutes:Push-Ups 16xV-Ups 8xWalking Lunges 24xTuesday:  6 x 1000m w/ 2:15 rest (4.60 miles @ 7:06/mile)Wednesday:  Run Bias HIIT (1.25 miles)Run 200mBurpess 20xRun 400mBurpees 20xRun 600mBurpees 20xRun 800mBurpees 20xThursday:  5K @ 85% 5K pace - even though I had 4 miles scheduled - on the treadmill (3.01 miles @ 8:38/mile)21-15-9 reps:ThrustersSit-UpsFriday:  Tabata Sprints (0.27 miles)TabataPush-UpsSquat JumpsKB SwingsSit-UpsSaturday:  Frostbite Series 3K race (1.89 miles @ 6:21/mile) + 1.11 mile warm-upSunday:  2 x 3 miles @ 90% 5K pace (6.0 miles @ 7:53/mile)Total Weekly Miles:  18.11 milesTotal December Miles:  54.09 milesYear-to-Date:  1,151.56 milesHey, don't forget, I am hosting a FREE 5-Day HIIT the New Year Running Bootcamp to kick off the new year!  I will be giving you 5-days worth of high intensity workouts you can do from home in less than 20-minutes!  These are the workouts I have used to shave minutes off of my 5K + half marathon times this year!  Plus, you'll join an AMAZING group of motivation + encouraging Running Buddies to help you make 2017 your BEST year of running EVER!
