day in the life: september 2015
4:15 AM - Alarm goes off. I check to make sure my second alarm is set and go back to sleep.4:20 AM - Second alarm goes off. I begrudgingly get out of bed.4:23 AM - Shower and get ready for the day, while simultaneously pumping.5:32 AM - Turn on the lights in the kitchen, put my pumped milk in the freezer, and feed the cat.5:40 AM - Go into Miles room, get him changed and dressed. He is surprisingly happy this morning and is giving me smiles and giggles, which I love!5:45 AM - Nurse Miles while catching up on blogs.6:00 AM - Miles and I go wake Kenna up. She brushes her teeth while I make her bed and Miles terrorizes her stuffed animals in her room.6:10 AM - Make a bagel for Kenna, make my smoothie and coffee, and put on my shoes and a jacket while the kiddos watch Daniel Tiger.6:32 AM - I'm out the door and in the car. I really enjoy my quiet time in the morning on my way to work. I love eating my breakfast, nursing my coffee, and listening to my favorite radio show.7:08 AM - Arrive at school. I go to my office and work on my to-do list, as well as responding to a couple parent emails. Nothing like having half your 7th graders failing your class because they haven't turned in their projects. *sigh*7:35 AM - The first bell rings. I head out to the gym to wrangle my 8th graders and get things ready for the day. I have 3 different classes in the morning - 8th grade PE, 8th grade Exercise + Fitness, and 7th grade Health. We are playing soccer in PE, we did a killer workout in my Ex + Fit class, and Health was all about injuries today. It was a decent morning, although some of the kids were driving me a little crazy today.
10:30 AM - Done with morning classes and on to my plan period. I call a parent, catch up on some more parent emails, and begin working on my second of 9 papers I have to write this semester. I think this one will be a little easier though.11:32 AM - Time to pump and eat lunch while catching up on Facebook.
11:56 AM - Time to start the second half of my day. Another round of Health and two 6th grade PE classes.2:41 PM - Done for the day. I shut my office door, change clothes, eat my snack and pump.
3:02 PM - Time to workout! Woo! It's shoulders and triceps day, followed by a fabulous 4-mile run. I decided to run the last 2 miles faster than the first 2 to get a little bit of extra speed work in this week.4:08 PM - In the car to head home. I call my mom and chat for a few minutes. We decide we are 2 of the most boring people ever...
4:38 PM - Pick up the kiddos at the babysitter's house. Every day I walk in, Miles is sitting at the highchair eating Cheerios and when he sees me, he just starts laughing! Happiest baby ever! Both kids were great, as usual!5:05 PM - Instead of going home, we go to the chiropractor. My foot has been killing me and has only gotten worse the past day or two. I get some A.R.T. done on my foot in hopes to take away some of the inflammation.5:30 PM - I am finally home with the kids and start dinner while Matt plays with the kiddos.6:10 PM - Dinner is on the table a little late today and the quinoa is still not cooked all the way, but it still tastes pretty good. Matt and I open the Fitz's Pumpkin Pop and split it. Not as pumpkin-y as we were hoping, but a decent cream soda flavor.
6:45 PM - Clean up dinner and get Miles in the tub. Baths are becoming more difficult with my active little guy.7:00 PM - I nurse Miles while Matt gets Kenna finished up in the tub. She comes and sits next to me to eat her dessert and watch a video on the iPad.7:25 PM - Miles is asleep, so I put him in bed and finally get his and Kenna's clothes put away that have been sitting out since Sunday.7:40 PM - Read books with Kenna, say prayers, sing, and get her to bed.8:00 PM - Put diapers in the wash, make lunches, and pick up the kitchen a little bit.8:30 PM - Fold yesterdays laundry while heating my foot (per doctor's instructions), then sit down to start writing this post while watching How I Met Your Mother on Netflix.9:15 PM - Finish writing, browse Facebook for a few minutes and then lay on the couch to watch HIMYM.9:30 PM - Kenna is out of bed because she can't find her Apple Jack pony. I end up falling asleep as Matt puts her back to bed.9:40 PM - Wake up and set timer for 5 minutes.9:45 PM - Get up off couch and get ready for bed.10 PM - Update this post and pass out. Good night!