cookies for grandma

I spent most of my break last summer visiting and spending time with my grandpa in a nursing home.  It took me a long time to get up the courage to actually go visit him since I really didn’t want to see him in that condition and away from home I knew him in.  But, he was extremely lonely in his new environment and just wanted someone to talk to on a regular basis.  So, I made it a point to drive out to visit him a few days a week.

Along with my visits, I would sometimes bring him cookies, which he loved!  He was not doing a great job of eating while in the nursing home, but cookies were something he could never pass up.  He actually called me one day and asked where his cookies were!  Of course, he called on a day I wasn’t planning on driving out to see him, but I made it a point to get out there the next day with those cookies.

Unfortunately, he passed away this past October.  I miss him dearly, as he was probably one of my favorite people in the entire world.  I adored him, and just to brag a bit, I know he adored me (and his other grandchildren – particularly my big brother) just as much.  But, I know he is in Heaven and I will be reunited with him someday.

Which brings me to my current situation:  My grandma (my last living grandparent) was diagnosed with colon cancer back in January.  She went through about half of her chemo treatments before my mom and her siblings decided to stop the treatments since they were making her worse instead of better.  We have been waiting for her to improve over the past several weeks, but things haven’t been improving as quickly as we had hoped.

As much as I hate that we had to do it, she was moved into a nursing home this past week.  I know how much I hated seeing my grandpa in the nursing home, and seeing my grandma (who has never been sick a day in her life) in the same situation is something I equally despise.  I hate seeing her sick, but I do realize it was the best situation for her so she could have constant care.

The best part (if I can even say that) about moving her into a nursing home is that they moved her to one that is literally 5  minutes away from my house.  A normal drive out to see her at her house would have taken me about 45 minutes.  I am so happy I will be able to see her often as I don’t know how much longer I will have her around.

And you better believe that I am going to be bringing her cookies pretty much every time I visit!  In fact, Matt and I went to visit her Sunday afternoon, and I brought her a batch of delicious chocolate chip cookies – her favorite!  Her face lit up when I told her I brought her some cookies, and you better believe it made my day!


Therefore, one of my projects this summer (oh, there is a list that you will be seeing in the next few weeks) is to bring her fresh baked cookies every week.  I can’t wait to try out some new recipes and see her face light up the way it did on Sunday!  It will be another difficult summer to watch someone I love so much in so much pain,  but every second I get to spend with her will be well worth it.


*The cookies were Nestle Tollhouse Chocolate Chip cookies.  The only change I made was to substitute a flax egg for real eggs (I like to be able to lick the batter).  They turned out wonderfully!

**In addition to prayers for my grandma, please keep Matt’s family in your prayers as well.  His grandpa suffered a series of several small strokes about a week and a half ago.  He is slowly improving, but is definitely not the same as he was.  Please pray for his recovery and that he is able to get back to where he used to be.