chocolate white chocolate chip cookies

The 2 big “projects” I have been working on this week during my Spring Break deal with cars.  Let me just say, I know absolutely nothing about cars except how to drive them and put gas in them.  I want nothing else to do with them.  Normally, I would have Matt deal with all the maintenance for both our cars, but since his Spring Break was 2 weeks ago, that left me in charge of dealing with the car maintenance.

My beloved Corolla had a part recalled, so I took that into the dealer yesterday to get it fixed.  In addition to them fixing my car, they also decided to tell me that my brake pads needed to be replaced.  Awesome.  Luckily, I have a wonderful husband and father-in-law who were “happy” to take care of that for me and save us a few extra bucks.

So, to thank my wonderful FIL who is spending his day working on my car, I decided to make him cookies!  (I know, a day spent working on my car doesn’t exactly equal cookies, but it’s better than nothing, right?)

For those of you who might not know, Matt is a cross country and track coach for a local high school.  During the cross country season, the team gets together the night before their meet for a Team Dinner at one of the runners’ houses.  That family is in charge of pasta for the team, and each grade level is assigned a different thing to bring – bread, drinks, or dessert.  One of my absolute FAVORITE desserts at these dinners are these amazing chocolate white chocolate chip cookies.  Serious, to die for.

So, I decided to try to tackle my own version of the decadent cookies.  I mean, how can you possibly go wrong with chocolate + white chocolate?  Um, you can’t.

Adapted from Nestle Toll House Ultimate Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookies.  Makes approximately 40 cookies.

1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 1/3 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup Earth Balance, soft (not melted)
1/2 cup brown sugar, packed
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1 1/2 tablespoons ground flax + 3 tablespoons water (flax egg)
1 cup white chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  Combine ground flax with water and set aside.  This will be your flax egg.

Melt semi-sweet chocolate chips in the microwave or a double-boiler.  Check and stir frequently to make sure they don’t burn!

Combine flour, baking soda, and salt in a medium bowl.  Beat Earth Balance, both sugars, and vanilla in a large mixing bowl or stand mixer.  Slowly add in flax egg a little at a time, beating well after each addition.  Beat in melted chocolate.  Gradually beat in flour mixture.  Fold in white chocolate chips.  Drop by rounded tablespoon (I LOVE my cookie scoop) onto ungreased cookie sheets.

Bake for 8 to 10 minutes or until cookies are puffed. Cool on baking sheets for at least 5 minutes, until they have had the time to firm up a bit.  Move to wire racks to cool completely.

*These aren’t quite vegan due to the fact that the white chocolate chips have milk fat in them, but they do make vegan white chocolate chips that I think you can get at Whole Foods.

**Feel free to substitute real butter for Earth Balance and eggs for the flax egg, just note that you will need 1 1/2 eggs since I halved the recipe, so you might want to double the recipe to make it a little easier on you.  You probably won’t need to cook the cookies quite as long either.


Now, I have to admit, these aren’t quite as good as the original (I’m pretty sure she uses dark chocolate cocoa powder instead of melted chocolate chips), but I promise, these are still absolutely delicious!  Gooey and chocolatey… they practically melt in your mouth!  (In fact, a few of them made it to my mouth before they hit the cooling rack – I thought they were just a bit too gooey… )

Hopefully my father-in-law (and mother-in-law) will enjoy them too!
