chocolate detox

You know when you go on vacation and live it up, not worrying too much about the fact that you’re being a total slug, not working out, and eating and drinking whatever you want?  You know that feeling you get right at the end where you don’t want your vacation to end, but you feel like you desperately need a detox from all the over-indulging you’ve been doing for the past several days?

Yeah, that’s me and chocolate.

I’ve gotten in an incredibly bad habit of eating chocolate  It’s sickening really.  Any time I eat a meal, I need some chocolate afterward.  For snacks, all I want is chocolate.  Dessert is of course chocolate.  I’ve been eating a medium bag of peanut butter M&M’s each week.  By myself, for the most part.  And I’ll eat my cup full of M&M’s after I’ve already had:

  • 1 or 2 truffles after dinner
  • Some chocolate after lunch
  • A cookie as a snack in the afternoon

…really, the list could go on.  Even after I finish my cup full of M&M’s, there are some nights where I’ll even go back and get MORE chocolate.  It’s getting really, really, REALLY bad.

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I am not Catholic.  OK, I’m Lutheran.  I know, it’s close enough.  I really don’t have to give anything up for Lent, but I usually do.  I’ve given up soda in the past and broke my outrageous soda habit.  I’ve given up sweets.  I’ve given up eating anything after dinner.  But, for some reason, what it all really comes down to is chocolate.  I just cannot LIVE without chocolate!

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So, for the next 40 (-ish) days, I’m going cold turkey.  No chocolate, no chocolate milk, no hot chocolate, not even a chocolate stout (one of my favorite forms of chocolate right now).  And especially no M&M’s.  And no cheating on Sundays either.

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This is a sacrifice.  This is my reminder.  Sometimes I lose sight of the fact that I am saved.  I am a Child of God.  He gave the ultimate Sacrifice and I just get to reap the benefits.  My little sacrifice is nothing compared to what He did for me.  But, it is my constant reminder of The Cross.  Of the fact that I am forgiven.  That I will one day be in heaven with my Lord and Savior.  Chocolate is nothing compared to that.

Do you give up anything for Lent?

**Don’t forget to enter my BAMR Bands giveaway.  It ends Sunday at 8 PM!**