body after bump: month 5

I’m so close.  So close I can taste it.  This is the first month where I’ve felt my pre-pregnancy weight was within reach.  And does it feel good?!  I’ve been working really hard to keep my diet in check and I’m really pushing myself on my workouts and I can tell that it’s making a difference.  While the inches didn’t really budge this month, I am still seeing some changes in the way things fit and my confidence is higher than it’s ever been.


1 Week

4 Months

5 Months


Weight: 134.4 lbs 126.6 lbs 123.6 lbs Month: -3 lbs
Total: -10.8 lbs
Arms: 10.5 in 10.25 in 10.5 in Month: +0.5
Total: 0
Chest: 32.25 in 28 in 29 in Month: +1
Total: –3.25
Waist: 31 in 28 in 27.75 in Month: –0.25
Total: –3.25
Umbilicus: 37.5 in 33 in 32.75 in Month: –0.25
Total: –4.75
Hips: 39.25 in 36 in 36 in Month: 0
Total: –3.25
Thighs: 22.25 in 21.5 in 21.5 in

Month: 0
Total: –0.75




Not a lot of change in the numbers, but I can see much more definition in my arms and abs.  I just finished the 2nd stage of NROLFW (I HATE wide grip deadlifts) and am excited for the next several stages.  It continues to challenge me every day and I definitely think it is helping me gain my strength back to where it was pre-pregnancy.

Now that I am getting closer to my “goal” weight, I’m starting to think of non-weight related goals to keep me motivated.  One thing that is on my fitness bucket list is to be able to do an unassisted pullup from a dead hang (I can do one starting with my elbows slightly bent, but I think that’s cheating).  I’ve started adding negative pullups (start with your chin above the bar and slowly lower down – these are killer!) and inverted rows to my workouts in an attempt to do this.  I am getting close, but I still have a lot of work to do.

As far as running goes, I have time goals I want to eventually hit (a sub-19:30 5K is my dream), but I’m not close to those yet, so I am wanting to add more barefoot runs to my schedule and also increase my training load with a few 2-a-days when I have the time.  These sort of go hand-in-hand as I need to increase barefoot time and mileage slowly, so my extra runs will be my barefoot runs (does that make sense?).  I read recently that training load/volume is actually more important than running long, so I figure, why not give it a shot?!

While I didn’t see a ton of changes in my body this month, my body has still changed significantly.  My hips are wider.  My stomach is poochier (due to stretched out skin).  I still have  a faint vertical line running down the center of my stomach.  I have a 4 inch scar that is still bright red, raised, and sensitive to the touch.  My body is different than it used to be before I had a baby and I’m starting to realize that just like a baby changes your life, your body is going to be totally different too.  I don’t think I’ll ever fit into those coveted “skinny” jeans again and I’m OK with that.  I am loving my new added curves and the little pooch that I have is less of a deal now than it would have been pre-pregnancy.  Oh, and that scar?  It’s my tattoo that reminds me on a daily basis that I grew a baby in my belly and brought her to life.  And that is AMAZING!  I’ve never loved my body as much as I do now because I know that it can do incredible things!

And I have a beautiful little girl to prove just how amazing it is! 


What are some of your non-weight related goals?
