body after bump: month 3

This past month has been a struggle. Going in to it, I told myself that it was the holidays and to enjoy myself, not worry about losing weight but still eating mindfully. That’s what I told myself; however, that’s not what I did.

It’s hard to see progress when you’re not doing anything to make progress. Sure, I’ve been running and working out, but quite honestly, my nutrition has been atrocious. Too many handfuls of M&M’s, jelly beans, and chocolate covered pretzels. I need to stop telling myself it’s OK, because it’s obviously not – I have hardly seen the scale budge at all this month.

December 20111

December 20112

1 week postpartum 2 months postpartum 3 months postpartum Difference
Weight 134.4 129.2 128.6 Month: 0.6
Total: 5.8
Arms 10.5 in 10.75 in 10.5 in Month: .25
Total: 0
Chest 32.25 in 31.5 in 31.5 in Month: 0
Total: .75
Waist 31 in 30 in 29.75 in Month: .25
Total: 1.25
Umbilicus 37.5 in 35.25 in 35 in Month: .25
Total: 2.5
Hips 39.25 in 37.5 in 37.5 in Month: 0
Total: 1.75
Thighs 22.25 in 22.25 in 21.5 in Month: .75
Total: .75

I feel like I look about 13 weeks pregnant again – instead of looking 13 weeks postpartum. (It sure doesn’t look like I lost any inches in my tummy, but I’m hoping that’s because I had just eaten dessert! Note to self: take picture BEFORE dessert!) I’m definitely frustrated, but I know I only have myself to blame.

So, it’s time to stop waiting around, stop making excuses, and DO SOMETHING about it! Have you seen Meghann? She wrote a great post on what she changed to take off a few extra pounds she had put on while training for a Half Ironman. And, girl is looking hawt now! Seriously. I’m a tad bit jealous of how awesome she looks. (Not that she looked bad before, of course!) And she didn’t do anything drastic – she focused on eating more protein, moving more, and watching her portions. Simple as that. If she can do it, I know that I can too!

Here’s the plan:


I’m still training and building my endurance, trying to get faster. I would love to just do HIIT workouts all the time because I know I’d see a lot more progress, but training for a half marathon just doesn’t work that way. So, I’m just going to keep my focus the same – getting faster and running longer.

Strength Training

While I absolutely LOVE the concept of New Rules of Lifting for Women, I don’t really have the time to do it right now. I am planning on re-starting the program in the summer, starting at where I’m leaving off half way through Stage 1.

Instead of doing NROLFW, I am going back to my tried-and-true strength training: CrossFit. I’ll be working out harder and won’t be spending nearly as much time in the gym, which is exactly what I need right now. CrossFit kicks my butt, but also keeps me totally motivated and wanting more. I’ve gotten in my best shape with CrossFit and I am hoping it will do the same thing for me now.


Oh, the biggie. Like I said yesterday, I’m trying to eat better. I’m still trying to avoid counting calories, but I have plugged it in a few days last week. There are actually times when I think I’m not eating enough during the day and make up for it with my handfuls of candy. Not good. I've been eating about 2000 calories per day, but with breast feeding and running, I definitely think I need closer to 2500. I'm going to count calories for a few days/weeks, aiming for around 2300 calories per day and see if that makes any difference. I think that will keep me a little more satiated during the day so I’m not pigging out at night.

I am also trying to focus on getting more protein in my diet. As a vegetarian, it can be difficult at times. We recently bought a HUGE bag of protein powder at Costco and I am making it a point to put that in my smoothies every morning. I am also adding in more nuts + beans, since I tend to focus on getting my protein through cheese. I’m not giving up cheese and think it’s a great source of vegetarian protein, but it’s also high in saturated fat. Nuts + beans still have some fat, but more good fat than bad. Score.

Move More

You’d think that going from sitting at home with a baby for 12 weeks to standing almost 8 hours a day would be movement enough, but I’m realizing I’m not taking advantage of the little things I can get in to move more. My kids run laps every day at the beginning of class. Instead of just watching them run their laps, I am starting to run with them. I’m not running fast – most of the kids can walk faster than I “wog”, but it’s something extra. Plus, when they see me running, they get a little more excited to run themselves. (Let’s face it, some of my students are just flat out lazy.) It’s a win-win situation! I might not do this everyday with every class, but I figured a little extra movement might be enough to help get some of this weight off.

So, that’s the plan. I need to get my butt into gear or I’m never going to see this weight come off. While I don’t think I’m fat whatsoever (oh, pregnancy has changed my perspective on that for sure), I’m definitely not exactly where I want to be. I know I’ll get there, but not if I don’t start trying…

What ways can you add more movement to your day? How are you doing with your goals so far this year?
