birthday fix
As I was trying to delete some of the hundreds of pictures on my phone yesterday, I realized I have had 2 other fixes from Stitch Fix that I didn't share with you guys. Let's just say, out of 2 fixes, I only ended up keeping 1 thing. There were a few things I really liked, but couldn't justify the price or the necessity (you can only have so many bags and blue maxi dresses).But, I still absolutely LOVE the concept of Stitch Fix. I think I've mentioned this before, but I hate shopping. Unless it's at Target - I could spend days there and never get bored. But, when it comes to clothes, I'm just terrible. I have to be looking for something specific to shop for clothes, and I normally end up at Target anyway. Or Kohls if I get a 30% off. So, the convenience of Stitch Fix for someone who doesn't enjoy shopping is perfect for me.I decided I deserved some new clothes for my birthday (which is next week) so I scheduled my fix a few months ago to show up right before the big 3-1. I am getting better on being specific on what I want in these fixes. Stop sending me pants - I'm really picky about how they fit. And I definitely don't need another maxi dress, as much as I love them. I wanted cute tops for fall that I could wear with skinny jeans or leggings and could dress them up more if I wanted to. And I ALWAYS ask for comfort first - if it's not comfy, I won't wear it.My stylist got it almost completely right this time. Several tops that were definitely my style for sure - cute + comfortable. However, fashion blogger I am not, so you'll have to excuse my iPhone photos in my closet mirror with my laundry completely exposed (at least most of it is in baskets) and a soon-to-be 4-year old helping me try on clothes. (I have a feeling Kenna will be styling me when she becomes a teenager...)
Ew, ugly eye. This was when it was at it's worst, although you can't really see how gross and red it was. It's still pretty red, but is definitely getting better! I'm hoping it's cleared up by my birthday next week!
The first top I tried on was the Paulo Lace Detail Knit Top. As soon as I pulled this out of the box, I knew this was a keeper. I tend to wear a lot of black and grey and will never get sick of it. I love the lace detail on the front and back of this as well. It is super soft and flowy - I have a feeling I will be wearing this frequently on the weekends.The second top I tried on was the Edmond Chevron Print Henley Shirt. I love purple. I love Chevron, but this was my least favorite of the fix. It fit well and is soft and flowy, but I didn't necessarily like how it looked on me. The sleeves aren't my favorite, but I can look past it.
Next up was the Ellenia Mixed Print Top. This was much cuter on than it was in the box. The patterns are a little different and I wasn't sure if I would like it, but it looked super cute on, especially with my skinny jeans. Plus, the length and flowiness was perfect.
I absolutely loved the Daliya Knit Top as soon as I pulled it out of the box. I love the longer length of it and the detail on the back (it has a cute little slit up the back with some lace around it). I also have zero maroon in my closet - after wearing all maroon in high school (school colors) I've been on maroon strike, but I can make an exception with this top.
The last top was the Yuna Chevron Pointelle Knit Sweater, which I didn't even realize was chevron until I read the style sheet. Another color I don't have in my closet and I just recently purged almost all my sweaters. Now, I just have to remember not to ruin this one by throwing it in the dryer without thinking. The length and cut are perfect on this one.Needless to say, I ended up keeping all 5 tops. I was tempted to send back the Edmond and Ellenia tops, but if I bought the other 3, it was only $10 cheaper, so I ended up keeping all 5. We have a busy couple of weeks coming up with birthday and Halloween parties, so it'll be fun to dress up with my new clothes! Oh, and I already scheduled another one for December! I can't wait to see how she styles me next!
**Disclosure: There are affiliate links in the post.**