becoming a lady ram
**Disclosure: The St. Louis Rams invited me to preview the Lady Rams and provided me with a complimentary membership. All opinions are my own.**I've been a St. Louisan my entire life. I grew up watching the Cardinals play (and, more recently, dominate) baseball. I went to the Gateway Arch as a child and rode the scary elevator up to the top, with my older brother screaming the entire ride up. I've spent many-a-day wandering around our awesome zoo (and it's FREE - go vote to make it the #1 zoo in the US). But, it wasn't until 1995, when I was in 5th grade, that I found a new love for St. Louis and a new sports team to follow: the St. Louis Rams.Believe it or not, as much as I LOVE my Cardinals, my family is a football family. My dad has had season tickets (in really awesome seats) since that very first season they came to the Lou. I've spent almost every Sunday in the fall watching my Rams play football. And most recently, I've found a new appreciation for the Rams after they drafted the first openly gay player in the NFL, making history. This is a huge turning point in sports (think, Jackie Robinson) and I'm so proud that it was MY team (who drafted Michael Sam from Mizzou - my college team) making history. (Although, I must admit I feel sorry for our #1 draft pick, who was the #2 overall pick and I can't even think of his name. Robinson? Maybe?)With my love of the St. Louis Rams, it didn't take much thought to become a member of the St. Louis Lady Rams organization. As a member of the Lady Rams, you receive a Lady Rams t-shirt, a membership packet, a monthly newsletter and drawings for exclusive Rams items (autographed items, tickets, etc.), and best of all, invitations to some exclusive Lady Rams events.The kickoff event is June 12. If you sign up to become a Lady Rams member (only $35), you get access to the exclusive event which includes food and drinks, as well as a chance to mingle with other Lady Rams members (ME!!!!) and Rams personnel. Um, I will probably be a giddy little school girl if I get a chance to meet any player for the Rams. I mean, Kurt Warner and Isaac Bruce will always be my favorites, but meeting current players would be pretty amazing too.
The other two members-only events include a Girls Night Out in September, with food and drinks, a fashion show, and special guest appearances, and Ladies Night at Rams Training Camp in July. I absolutely cannot WAIT for the training camp! It is one of my dreams and goals in life to become a college or professional strength and conditioning coach (dream big, right?!). To have an opportunity to go through drills and conditioning workouts that my favorite football team goes through would be (almost) my dream come true! Plus, getting to do it beside a bunch of Rams players is just the cherry on top of my ice cream
sundae concrete! H.E.A.V.E.N.I would love a chance to get to hang out with some other St. Louis Rams fans at these events, so don't hesitate to sign up to become a Lady Rams member! These are some pretty amazing, once in a lifetime opportunities you get exclusive access to, so why wouldn't you want to become a member?!