Back to Work + Workouts

Unless we end up with a snow day (we did get 4+ inches of snow, but by yesterday afternoon, the roads were looking pretty good), today is my first day back at work.  While in many ways I am totally ready to go back, I am dreading leaving my kiddos.  I know they are in good hands, but I'm just going to miss them so much!  Luckily, I will have 30 minutes in my car on my way to work to cry and regain my composure...IMG_1250So, my weekend was spent enjoying time with my family.  Kenna got to go to Frozen on Ice with her grandma on Saturday, so I got some extra snuggle time in with Miles (and a trip to the grocery store by myself, which was a treat).  It started snowing Saturday afternoon, so the rest of the day was spent by the fire, watching Frozen and get my last Friends fix.  I'm going to miss watching my favorite show every day during naptime.  I made it through 6 seasons in 8 weeks, so not to bad.IMG_1272IMG_1280We were supposed to go to a trivia night on Saturday but it was cancelled, so Matt and I decided to have another pizza night, this time trying a cracked egg on top.  Unfortunately, our oven didn't cook them evenly and we ended up having to microwave it a little bit to get the whites to set.  A little bit of a disappointment, but we plan on trying it again.  Anyone have any secrets on how to get this perfect?IMG_1282My workouts were great this week and got me pumped up enough to register for my first postpartum race!  I will be running the Cowbell Uncorked Relay with Matt, my brother (hopefully), and Miles' godparents on May 9th!  I am sooooo excited!  It's no Ragnar, but it's definitely going to be a good time.  I will be sharing my training plan for that and Rock 'n' Roll soon, I promise!Monday:  2.5 mile treadmill run (7:49/mile)WOD - 5 rounds of:Squats 20xSitups 15xDips 10xPushups 5xTuesday:  2.5 mile treadmill run (8:12/mile)Pre-WOD:  Suitcase Squats 5x5, 20-25-25-30-30# DBWOD - 21-25-9 reps of:Squat JumpsPushupsMountain ClimbersSitupsWednesday:  2.5 mile treadmill run (7:49/mile)Pre-WOD:  Overhead Lunges 3x20, 25# plateWOD:Squats 100xSitups 100xPushups 100xThursday:  2.5 mile treadmill run (8:00/mile)Pre-WOD:  Thrusters 5x10, 45#WOD - 5 rounds of:Box jumps 10xPushups 10xPost-WOD:  Situps 5x20Friday:WOD #1 - 5 rounds of:Run 400mFront squats 10x, 45#Bent over rows 10x, 45#WOD #2 - AMRAP in 8 minutes of:Pushups 5xSitups 10xSquats 15xSaturday:  2.5 mile treadmill run (8:19/mile)Sunday:  rest dayI'm not looking forward to getting up early again (my alarm is set for 4 AM so I can shower, pump, feed Miles, get both kids ready, and get out the door by 6:30), but I am looking forward to having so Me Time after school working out every day.  It'll be nice to be in a little more predictable routine.  And of course, I'll have this smile to look forward to every day... IMG_1273