baby girl: week 10

How are we in double digits already?  How is it the last week of the year already?  Can we go back to the beginning of 2011?

MacKenna Week 10

Accomplishments + Milestones

I guess the biggest thing to note this week is MacKenna’s 1st Christmas!  We had a blast with her!  I’ll let the pictures do (most of) the talking.



Daddy + MacKenna in their sleepers.  Thankfully Daddy doesn’t wear these on a regular basis…





Is this not the cutest blanket?!  Of course, it’s my mom’s, but I LOVE it!










What We’re Working On


This is my last week of maternity leave. :(  I hate that I have to go back to work already and leave my baby girl with a babysitter.  Luckily, a friend of our family does babysitting out of her home.  I completely trust her with my daughter and know she will love her + teach her just like I would at home.

So really, this week is more me working on NOT thinking about going back to work and enjoying every moment spent with my little girl.  She is getting extra snuggles and kisses this week.  I am going to miss her so much! :(


Mama’s Miles

This week was a “cut back” week.  Not that I’m really running all that much, but my body definitely needed a bit of a break with the running I had been doing.  Plus, with Christmas last week, I needed the extra time at home getting things ready!

Monday:  2 mile run (8:28/mile pace with negative splits) + NROLFW Stage 1A
Tuesday:  2 mile run (8:57/mile pace)
Wednesday:  2 mile run (9:03/mile pace)
Thursday:  20 minutes elliptical + NROLFW Stage 1B
Friday:  2 mile run (8:28/mile pace)
Saturday:  2 mile run (8:29/mile pace)
Sunday:  rest day

Total miles:  10 miles

Random Tidbits


MacKenna has been totally content just laying on her back on her play mat and watching TV or just babbling to us.  I’m definitely not “baby wearing” as much as I thought I would because she really doesn’t like it.  She loves to be held, but is content just kicking her feet and laughing!  Which makes it so much easier to get stuff done.  Too bad I’m not going to have to worry about that as much after this week.  I don’t wanna go back!                 
