baby girl: 2 years old
OMG. I have a two year old. And I don’t mean that in a, “time has gone by so quickly I can’t believe I have a two year old” kind of way. I mean that in a, “Holy crap, we are definitely in the terrible twos” kind of way.
OK, that’s not entirely true. It really isn’t all that terrible. In fact, outside of the tantrums, MacKenna is actually at a really fun age!
She can communicate exactly what she needs, although sometimes it takes me awhile before I figure out what she is trying to say.
She is finally forward facing in the car seat, so we can enjoy each other’s company that much more.
She learns something new almost every day. She is starting to learn her ABCs and numbers, and can actually point out several numbers when she sees them. We’re still working on colors though, but she always knows which color is orange…
She sings with me whenever I ask her to. Some of our favorites are “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”, “Wheels on the Bus”, and “Happy Birthday.” Except she’s scared to death of candles, so her birthday song lacked any candles to blow out.
She loves to pretend. She got a baby doll for her birthday that she treats just like it’s her own baby. We’re hoping this comes in handy when we decide to have another baby in the near future (but not yet).
She’s big enough that we can do a lot more things together now. We finally got out our learning tower the other day and she was able to make cookies with me. And she absolutely LOVES to go shopping with me. Mostly to Target and the grocery store, simply because she knows they give her a sticker at the checkout.
She says really inappropriate things at really bad times. Like yelling out, “I pooped! I pooped!” while we were in church the other day. Awesome. I have a feeling my wallflower self will be suffering more from her outgoingness than she will.
And best of all, she can tell me she loves me without me having to prompt her. The best part of my day is putting her to bed at night, giving her a kiss, and hearing, “I wuv voo” as I lay her down to bed. Just one more reason I absolutely love being her mama.