baby girl: 13 weeks

Tomorrow is MacKenna’s 3 month birthday.  I just can’t even believe she’s already 3 months, although it does feel like 2 months to 3 months crawled by, but I know it won’t always be like that.  She’s growing so fast!

MacKenna Week 13

3 months worth of photoshoots…


Milestones + Accomplishments

Sunday morning started a little differently than it has the past 13 weeks:  I woke up 7.5 hours after I went to bed.  No wake up call at 2 or 3 AM.  MacKenna actually slept through the night!  It was a glorious 7.5 hours of sleep (add in the 45 minutes I slept on the couch before actually dragging my butt and I actually got over 8 hours of GLORIOUS sleep).  Of course, it was only that one night.  Sunday night, she woke up screaming at 11:30 for no reason – she wasn’t hungry + continued screaming after a diaper change – and then woke up again around 5:30 AM.  We’re getting close to getting a full nights sleep out of her, and I thank the Lord that we’re moving in the right direction instead of backward!


The thumb sucking has been extra helpful in the sleep situation.  She’ll pop that little thumb in and suck away, soothing herself back to sleep.  A pacifier can’t do that!


What We’re Working On

M’s still a bit of a bobble head so lately we’ve been working on her holding her head up on her own.  We’ve been lifting her with her arms from laying down to a seated position and then slowly lowering her back down.  She has great head/neck control on the way down, but on the way up, her head likes to go back.  I’m hoping with practice she’ll get better and we can start putting her in the Bumbo seat.

I’m also trying to get her to start grabbing things with her hands.  While she can get them into her mouth with ease, she still hasn’t quite realized that they’re her hands that she can grab things with.  She loves holding them and sucking them and although she notices her toys, she doesn’t get that she can actually reach up and grab them.  I don’t know if she’s behind on this and I don’t know exactly how to teach her how to grab them.  We’ve been sticking things in her hands and taking her hands to touch the other toys, but she won’t do it on her own.  Hopefully soon…


Mama’s Miles

Another great week of training for me!  My runs are getting easier as I gain more endurance and I’m starting to see my pace drop back to pre-pregnancy/pre-marathon pace.

Monday:  weights circuit
Tuesday:  3 mile easy run (8:15/mile pace)
Wednesday:  4x800m repeats w/ 5 minute WU + CD (8:00/mile pace)
Thursday:  3 mile easy run (9:00/mile pace) + CrossFit (filthy fifty)
Friday:  CrossFit (back squats 5x3)
Saturday:  5 mile long run (9:25/mile pace)
Sunday:  30 minute tempo (3.5M, 8:34/mile pace)

Total miles:  19 miles

Random Tidbits

Since I put away MacKenna’s newborn clothes last week, I’ve decided I want to take pictures of her in each outfit.  Not only will I have the memories of her wearing each outfit, but it will force me to put her in new clothes every day.  Because before I know it, she’ll outgrow her 0-3 stuff and I’m not ready for that.

So, if you follow me on Twitter or Instagram, you will see my daily posts with the hashtag #outfitoftheday.  So much fun to see all her fun clothes + facial expressions on a daily basis!

