baby bump: week 34

When we decided to we wanted to get pregnant, I was not anticipating on it being the hottest summer in St. Louis since 1954.  (Which just so happens to be the summer my grandma was due with my mom, also at the beginning of October.)  We have had more than our fair share of 100+ degree days and multiple heat advisories.  Luckily, I was able to stay inside the majority of the summer, but that has also left me not acclimated to this torturous heat.  I’ve had people come outside with their class and say how nice it feels – 80 something degrees still does not feel “nice” to this very pregnant girl.  And of course, the first day of September calls for 100 degree weather.  I’m ready for the summer weather to be over… is it October yet?

With only 6 weeks left until our baby arrives, I have started feeling a little overwhelmed with all there is left to do.  Luckily, the 2 showers I’ve had so far have really helped take care of most of the stuff we need.  However, there is still so much to get done before October 9.

  • Birth announcements – want to have the design ready to go and just fill in with pictures + statistics
  • Buy cloth diapers – we have decided to go for the bumGenius Elemental All-in-Ones, which are a little more pricey, but seem to be much easier since there is no stuffing of an insert


[image source – also the store where I am getting my cloth diapers]

  • Wash sheets + newborn to 3 month clothes – OK, so the sheets are on the bed, but I will be taking them off to wash them along with the clothes + diapers (diapers have to be washed at least 5 times before use)
  • Freezer meals – I’m sure I will be fairly overwhelmed once the baby arrives and with being a vegetarian, I know it will be more difficult for people to bring us over meals, so I want to at least have a few prepped and ready to go in the freezer
  • Pack hospital bag – I have a few things tucked in there (an afghan for pictures, my toiletries) but I’m not even close to being prepared
  • Install carseat + get it inspected to make sure it is installed properly – I need to call our local fire station to make sure they do this
  • Buy “coming home” outfit for baby – This will be what she wears for pictures in the hospital and then will come home in it, so it needs to be a little bit special
  • Get everything else we feel we might need before the baby arrives!  Thank goodness for gift cards!
  • Read up on breastfeeding + baby’s 1st few weeks of life – I want to be as prepared as possible for my little bundle of joy to arrive!

Is there anything I’m missing on this?  I feel like that’s a pretty big list to accomplish in just 38 days, so I am trying to diligently get stuff done just in case she decides to come early.  (Please, PLEASE stay in there as long as possible!)

In addition to my to-do list, I have been thinking a lot about having to go back to work after my maternity leave.  I never ever thought I’d want to  be a stay at home mom.  My mom was always a working mom (at least after I was born and with one exception in 1993) so I’ve always grown up with both parents working.  I like to work because I hate being bored.  And I like what I do – not too many jobs allow you to come to work in workout clothes everyday!  Plus, when I am not making money, I feel like I am mooching off Matt’s salary.  I get a little more “play money” when I am also working.  So, I’ve never really thought of being a stay-at-home mom as an option.

But, now, I am already dreading having to leave her at the babysitter.  I can picture myself bawling my eyes out because I can’t be with her all the time.  I know that I shouldn’t be thinking about that yet (since I still have 6 weeks before I even have a baby), but as my maternity leave approaches, the more I think about having to come back to work and how much I just really don’t want to leave my little girl.  How do working mom’s do it?  How do you handle leaving your baby to go to work?  And how do you handle getting everything in now that you have a baby?  I just can’t imagine working and having time to do anything besides snuggle with my baby all night.

My bump has definitely been getting a workout from my little girl lately.  I have figured out Baby Bug likes the car, loves when I eat (except she tends to get the hiccups at those times), and likes listening to the kids.  She has been extremely active lately and I love it!  She also knows exactly when bedtime is – as soon as I lay down in bed and the lights are off, all movement stops.  Of course, this is also the time Matt likes to feel her move, so we have to beg her to “kick for Daddy”. 

I am also feeling a lot rounder this week.  My bump is much more round and I am seeing a lot of changes in my face + arms.  I’m still right on track as far as weight gain, so that doesn’t worry me too much, but it can be difficult sometimes to see myself in this body that is so different from what it once was.  But, as much as I am looking forward to running like normal again and getting my “body back”, I am still not ready to not be pregnant anymore.  I love being able to rub my belly all the time and feel my little girl kick + roll.  It has been such an amazing experience and I know I am going to miss it!


Only 6 more weeks – getting so very close!  Is it October yet?! 
