baby bump: week 31
**Notice anything new on the blog?! Proud to say that my new header is up + running! Let me know what you think!**Wow, it’s hard to believe that there are only single digits left in my pregnancy! Time. Is. Flying! Not that I’m complaining though!With just 2 short months left until our baby girl arrives, I’m am not only beginning to worry about childbirth + parenthood, but also how incredibly unprepared we are right now for a baby! Here is what our nursery looks like now…And that’s the ONLY thing in the room right now. I’m so excited to have the crib all set up and ready to go, but it’s missing a pretty crucial element – a mattress! I probably should get on that, right? But, first, she probably needs a way to get home from the hospital safely once she arrives! I am itching for all these baby showers I have coming up in the next few weeks! We need stuff!And speaking of itching, my belly is itching like crazy lately. One of my biggest complaints throughout pregnancy has been my uber sensitive skin. It was already sensitive pre-pregnancy, but now it is much worse. If I could, I would probably avoid shaving until October, but I don’t think Matt or my doctor would appreciate that very much.I am disappointed to report that my belly button is still an innie. (Seriously, who complains about that of all things?!) However, we are getting much closer to it popping out. I sit on the couch with my shirt up off my belly pretty frequently (thanks to the itching) watching baby kicks (more rolls now than kicks) and playing with my belly button. (TMI?) Matt jokes that it now looks like a balloon and will squeeze it and make balloon-deflating noises. Yup, I married that guy…I also took a big step this week. I actually parked in the “New and Expectant Mother” parking at the grocery store! In the beginning of my pregnancy, I avoided parking there since I wasn’t really showing. But, now that I am obviously pregnant, I still have avoided parking there. Really, I am still active and running-ish 3 days a week, so I really don’t feel like I need a parking spot close to the entrance. However, the other day I was just running in to pick up my prescriptions and figured I’d go for it. Plus, it was hot out and the less I’m in the heat, the better. I think I’ll utilize this parking spot more after the baby is born.
Baby has been kicking even more than usual lately, which of course I never mind! The rolling and pushing out she is doing is a bit uncomfortable, but still a very cool feeling. She is also getting hiccups pretty frequently, which I can tell she HATES because she will go crazy in my stomach, rolling and kicking. Poor thing… I just want to hold her and rock her to make her feel better!
Not too much longer and I’ll be able to rock her to sleep! 9 weeks left!