baby bump: week 30

Can you believe there only (about) 10 weeks left until my little girl arrives?!  I certainly can’t!  But, I also can’t WAIT until she’s here.  There is just so much to get done before then!Like I said yesterday, we started our childbirth class Tuesday this week.  We will go every Tuesday night for the next 4 weeks.  And yes, I was excited!  There is just so much about childbirth that I don’t know and I was really interested to find out.  I am planning on a natural childbirth without drugs, but unfortunately, it sounds like we should also take the natural childbirth class they offer at the hospital to really get more information about relaxation techniques, etc.  The thing about going through labor naturally is that you have to know exactly how you are going to handle the situation.  You can’t just say, “Yeah, I’m going to go natural” and then not do any research or preparation for it.  So, we will probably sign up for the class in a few weeks, but I am also doing research on my own by reading Husband-Coached Childbirth by Robert A. Bradley, AKA the Bradley Method.  So far, I am learning A LOT just through the book, but I know practicing in a class will definitely help us a lot more.  Matt is much more nervous than I am about it since I don’t think he knows what to expect at all.  Gosh, thank GOODNESS there are classes on childbirth in general!A few things I figured out from the class:(1)  I need to learn how to relax more.  I don’t know how much this comes across on the blog for those of you who don’t know me in real life, but I am pretty uptight.  I worry and stress about everything (which, of course, is great for pregnancy), I will dwell on things for days, sometimes weeks, and I have to be busy at all times.  As we were practicing our breathing in class, I realized just how hard it was for me to completely relax.  I was holding a lot of tension in my shoulders and I tend to clinch my teeth constantly.  So, I am trying to take some time each day to just sit and breath.  I find myself the most relaxed laying in bed, playing music on my stomach for the baby.  But, I know with contractions, it’s going to be extremely hard for me to mellow out.(2)  There is a reason God put 4 years difference in age between Matt + me.  We are undoubtedly soul mates.  However, had we ever been in school together, we would have gotten in so much trouble.  It is hard for us to take anything too seriously and we pretty much talk constantly (we’re probably not very fun to sit by in church).  While watching a video in class, they were talking about the plates in the baby’s head that allow for the head to pass through the pelvis, which can sometimes cause a cone head.  We looked at each other and said, “Yup, we’ll be the ones with the cone head baby.”  I love the boy to death, but it’s hard to take anything too seriously together.(3)  I carry so much lower than everyone else!  There are only 5 couples in the class, but they all have these beautiful round bellies.  I’m not saying mine isn’t round or beautiful, just different than everyone else’s.  Oh well.  Not much I can do about that, and I love it regardless of how “perky” it is.  (Geez, whoever thought I would be worried about how perky my baby bump is?!)100_4661Fun FactsWeight gained this week:  ~1 poundTotal weight gain:  ~20 poundsNext doctor’s appointment:  Tomorrow!  And then I start going every 2 weeks!  Man, time is flying!Biggest complaints this week:  Not being able to sit for longer than 5 minutes comfortably.  I can only stand and lay down to be comfortable.Cravings this week:  None really notable, still mostly pizza and ice cream.Sob sessions this week:  I think 4, with one lasting for almost 2 hours.  Not a fun way to start your day.Nursery progress this week:  It’s completely cleaned out and the crib is finally assembled!  I am DYING to do more with the nursery but I still have a couple weeks before any baby showers.Nervous + excited about our appointment tomorrow!  Only 10 more weeks!
