baby bump: week 24

I can’t believe I’ve been pregnant 6 months already!  Seriously, these past 6 months have flown by!  (Well, 5 months since I didn’t know I was pregnant until 5 weeks in.)  I’m just hoping the next 4 months go  by just as quickly.

[Yeah, why does no one tell you that pregnancy is actually 10 months, not 9, until you are actually pregnant?  I know there are 2 weeks in there when you’re technically not pregnant, but really, it’s 10 months, ladies.]

Baby Girl is tumbling around in my stomach pretty regularly, although she gave me a good scare this past weekend.  Since I’m not working this summer, I have spent some quality time on the couch lately.  Well, when I’m up walking around all day, she doesn’t like to kick me nearly as much, which scares me to death.  As if I’m not always constantly worrying in the first place about her in there, the lack of movement on busy days does not help!

The funny thing is I couldn’t wait until she started kicking to give me some reassurance that she was in fact doing just fine in there.  But now, I freak out every time she’s not kicking like I think she should be.  So, movement is a blessing but also a curse.  I still love every time she kicks though.  It is the most AMAZING feeling in the world.

As for the bump, it’s getting there.  Slowly.  I really thought 6 months into my pregnancy I’d be HUGE.  Yeah, not so much.  I definitely look more pregnant in certain clothes, especially actual maternity clothes.  I’m still wearing mostly my normal tops, but I’ve been in pregnancy pants/shorts for awhile now.  The maternity tops certainly make a difference in whether or not I look pregnant or just fat.


I definitely think I’m starting to more pregnant than fat… Woo!  16 short weeks to go! 

Don’t forget to check out my Pregnancy tab at the top for weeks 14 through 23 and other pregnancy related posts.
