baby bump: week 23

We had our 24 week (I’ll be 24 weeks this coming Sunday) checkup today.  These appointments seem to get shorter and shorter.  We were in and out in 15 minutes flat.  After my weigh-in and getting my blood pressure taken, we were able to hear Baby’s heart beat again.  Since I doubt we’ll have another ultrasound, I love that we still get to hear her heart beat.  A perfect 140 beats per minute – that’s my girl!

Other than our appointment, nothing has really changed in the past week.  I have definitely felt a boost in energy lately.  Instead of passing out on the couch by 9 PM every night, I am staying up until 10 and actually getting a chance to read in bed a little bit.  (I’ve actually finished 2 pregnancy books this week – be proud of me!)  I’m not sure if it’s because I am well into my second trimester now or the fact I am sleeping an hour later every morning since school’s out.  I attribute it to the latter, but shoot, I’m definitely not complaining for feeling a bit more energetic!

Baby has been kicking and rolling like CRAZY this past week, especially today!  She has been kicking me about once an hour today, which is very unlike her.  Usually, she’ll kick me a bit in the morning, get quiet, kick me after lunch, get quiet, the kick me from around 7 til bedtime.  Right now, I am enjoying how active she is since it reassures me that she’s doing just fine in there.

My biggest concern lately has been with my weight.  And surprisingly, not because I feel like I’m “fat”.  Instead, I’m nervous that I’m not gaining enough weight!  My current weight gain so far is 13 pounds, which is normal, but I still feel like my belly is so small for 23 weeks!  I just want to make sure she is getting enough fuel and nutrients and I’m not always sure that I am.  So, I am still carefully monitoring my weight and making sure that I am eating something substantial every 3 to 4 hours.  And trying not to worry too much…


As for the nursery, not much has changed.  We’re still in the process of cleaning it out.  Matt has come across some pretty funny stuff in the process.  Like, a pair of my old running shorts that I don’t even remember owning and his entire box of things he has kept while we were dating.  He kept ticket stubs from all the movies and concerts we went to, programs from my music performances, and tons and tons of prom + homecoming pictures.  (Keep in mind that Matt is 4 years older than me and went to both my proms with me while he was almost a college grad + doing his student teaching.  Seriously, how could I not marry him?!)

Here are just a few of the things we happened to come across.  My cheeks hurt from smiling and laughing while looking though all of these.  Matt thinks we look like babies, but I don’t think we’ve changed all that much (besides my hair color – it’s my natural color now).

Pictures095Matt’s college graduation – May 2003

mk005One of the many, um, interesting things you will find in Branson, MO.  (Sorry, I just couldn’t resist!)

mk016My Junior Prom – April 2002

Pictures126 Matt’s first trip to the beach – Gulf Shores, Alabama, June 2003

Do we look any older?  Some of these are almost 10 years old!  Our 10 year “anniversary” is actually in October, and what better way to celebrate 10 years than by having a baby together! 

Only 17 (!) more weeks!

**Check out my NEW Pregnancy tab at the top for past Baby Bump updates and other pregnancy posts!**
