baby bump #2: 31 weeks

Happy Halloween Week!  I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm definitely looking forward to a week of middle schoolers hopped up on sugar in anticipation for Friday night.  (Please note the sarcasm there...)  In all honesty though, I truly am looking forward to taking MacKenna trick-or-treating in our new neighborhood with our wonderful neighbors Friday night.  We did get an early start yesterday with Trunk-or-Treat at our church.P1250759P1250804Isn't my nephew adorable?!  Love his fat little cheeks!  I'm hoping Moose and him will be best buddies - they'll be almost exactly a year apart in age!BumpBaby Bump 2 - 31 weeksNot looking too much bigger this week, but looking back just a few weeks and I can definitely tell a difference.  I'm almost to the point where my small t-shirts don't quite fit anymore, but am stretching (both figuratively and literally) it with them a little bit by wearing maternity tank tops underneath.  Mostly so my belly doesn't show at the bottom though.SymptomsVolleyball ended Tuesday but I still had a busy week with Parent-Teacher conferences, so I was still waking up early.  But, because I wasn't bringing home work and getting home at a decent time, I actually felt fairly well rested this week!  (As I yawn while writing this...)  I'm definitely looking forward to less stress and hoping that helps with my constant sleepiness at least a little bit.Still having some pubic symphysis pain, mostly after running or sitting for long periods of time, which my chiropractor said is pretty normal with all the pressure that I'm putting on that area.  I woke up with hip pain yesterday too, but after a few hours, it finally went away.  I think I just slept for too long on that side of my body.My skin is also becoming even more sensitive lately.  If I'm hot or cold, I don't want anything touching my body.  I just feel itchy all the time and clothes are just not very comfortable.  I think I've finally reached the point in pregnancy where I'm just not going to be comfortable anymore.  But, I've had a good run up until this point, right?!WorkoutsI actually had a really great week of workouts, thanks to not being as exhausted as I have been the last month or so.  I'm still not doing any strength training right now because sleep is just more important and I'm still busy in the afternoons after school, but my plan is to start up again next week.  Now, it's just deciding if I want to lift weights or focus on PiYo.  Lifting weights will allow me to get a full night's sleep because I can run and lift after work in the afternoon.  PiYo I would have to wake up early to do since I know I won't have the motivation to do it at home in the evenings/afternoons.  I also think I'm getting to the point where it might be too difficult to do down dogs, etc.  I won't lie... I'm looking forward to post-pregnancy workouts in January!Monday:  3 mile easy run (9:53/mile)Tuesday:  2 mile easy run (10:11/mile)Wednesday:  2 mile easy run (10:22/mile)Thursday:  3 mile easy run (10:36/mile)Friday:  3 mile easy run (10:22/mile)Saturday:  4 mile run with the jogging stroller (11:07/mile)Sunday:  rest dayBaby StuffAfter procrastinating for long enough, I finally got something done for our little guy!  I found the cutest moose fleece one-piece outfit for our Moose to wear home from the hospital!  I know, it's not much, but it's about as much as I've had time to do lately.  But, I am realizing more and more just how much stuff we need to do, get, and figure out in 8 weeks!Matt and I have also decided that we desperately need a babymoon!  We weren't planning on doing one, but after a very long fall sports season for both of us, we are really needing some time for just the two of us.  We simply haven't had that time lately and know that it's important to make time for our marriage before we add another baby to the mix.  So, we're taking suggestions on places to spend a weekend away.  We are thinking the first weekend in December within a few hours of St. Louis that is neither Branson (we simply can't go without MacKenna - she has been asking all weekend to go to Silver Dollar City) nor Kansas City (where we went on our first babymoon).  Some place we can drive to after work on Friday (I'm trying to save up as many days as I can and can't afford to take anymore days off) and come back on Sunday that also has good dining and inexpensive things to do.  We've had Galena, Illinois; Eureka Springs, Arkansas; Hermann, Missouri; and Nashville/Memphis all mentioned.  But, we will take any suggestions!  Shoot, I'd even do a staycation in St. Louis if we need to, but we'd really need good suggestions because I feel like we've done everything in town.