I'm totally a numbers person, so it excites me so much that the day I turn 30 years old is also the same day that I'm 30 weeks pregnant with my little guy!  Seriously, not even I could have planned that happening!  I realized it a few weeks ago and was totally pumped about it.  I'm hoping it's a sign that this is going to be the start of a great birthday, a great week (it's very likely my LAST week of volleyball, although I do have parent-teacher conferences this week too), and a great year.

I think I'm one of the crazy ones who has actually been looking forward to my 30th birthday.  Sure, it sort of freaks me out that I am actually 30 (although I look like I'm 18 still), but I feel like such a milestone means big things are headed my way and that it's my opportunity to start really focusing on what's important in my life and what I'm passionate about.  I learned so much about myself in my 20s, but I think my 30s mean it's time to really "home in" on what exactly I want out of life.  And I feel like I'm well on my way to a good start - a brand new house, a new baby in just 9-10 weeks, and I'm sure more career changes are on the way too (don't worry, nothing on the horizon yet, but I am looking for something new, whether in teaching or in the fitness/running industry, I'm not sure yet).  Plus, everyone has told me that your 30s are the best years of your life, so I'm ready for those years to start!

OK, enough about me, time to talk baby!


I had my 28 weeks appointment (a week late) last Friday.  Baby sounded good and is measuring right on track!  MacKenna always measured a week or two behind, so to me, this is a good sign!  By now, I've gained about 20 pounds total, which is exactly where I was with MacKenna, but I feel so much better about myself this time around.  I've pretty much only gained weight in my tummy, but I can tell I've gotten a little softer (especially in my arms) since I've really been slacking on doing any sort of weight training lately.  I totally expect to gain another 10-15 pounds in the next 10 weeks, which just seems totally crazy since I feel huge already.  But, I know I still have room to grow!  And thankfully, I now have fall/winter maternity clothes to wear, thanks to birthday presents!


In the last few weeks, I really haven't had to many besides my normal exhaustion.  I have been having some contractions, but they are few and far between.  Unfortunately, I am finding myself becoming more and more picky about what I'm eating.  I haven't made a salad for lunch in weeks, but I think that's mostly because I'm too lazy/busy to spend the time making one.  I haven't had too many cravings lately... well, besides pasta con broccoli, thanks to the delicious one my aunt made a few weeks ago and I have been wanting ever since.

Other than that, still no swelling, rings are still on, and no stretch marks (yet)!  I'll talk a little more about how I'm trying to prevent stretch marks, but I am also thankful for good genetics with that one.  My linea nigra is starting to appear and melasma (dark spots) on my face are starting to show up as well.  And my skin is becoming super sensitive - my tummy itches constantly and I can only wear certain material on my skin, otherwise I will itch like crazy.  But, I really don't mind all those things too much - they're just my reminder that I'm growing a human inside of me!


Due to lack of sleep lately and just plain exhaustion, I've definitely cut back on my running.  I'm still running 5-6 days each week, but usually 2-3 miles during the week with a 5 mile run on the weekends.  I haven't done any weight training in several weeks because I'm choosing to sleep in 15-30 minutes instead of doing an at-home CrossFit workout or PiYo video, but with the end of volleyball in sight, I'm excited not only to get back in to strength training, but also to start running in the afternoon again!  I love getting up early to run, but my body is craving for sleep!  It'll be nice to start going to be a little earlier as well.  10:30 bedtimes with 4 AM wakeups are not good for this already exhausted pregnant lady!

I will admit that I'm still thrilled with my pace though!  I average usually between 9:30-10:30/mile each run, including my walking breaks.  I've definitely been walking less lately, but mostly because our neighborhood and running trails are fairly flat.  I'm hoping this means I will return to my pre-pregnancy pace quickly post-pregnancy and after I get the all-clear to run again.  I am enjoying pregnant running, but am so looking forward to some speed training again!  I'm starting to eye some races in the spring (possibly GO! St. Louis with my brother again, but I'll only be 4 months postpartum), as well as some fall races.  I'm looking forward to running a race (not actually racing) in the next few weeks in Branson - it's one of my favorite races of the year!  Of course, I won't be defending my title this year though...

Baby Stuff

Moose has certainly been enjoying himself.  He likes to hang out transverse and kick my back (which I hate because I don't feel him nearly as much) or my cervix (which I also hate because it's freaking uncomfortable).  He's definitely an active little fella, that's for sure!

Nothing new on the nursery front, except that I actually have an idea in mind on the layout of his room!  We're still waiting on his bedding to come in and I have been waiting to pick out a paint color until I actually had the time to paint.  His room and big sister Kenna's room will be painted in the next weeks.  It's crazy to think of just how soon he is going to be here.  I told myself I wasn't going to be that mom who waited until the last minute to get stuff ready for the second baby, but I'm starting to see myself falling into that pattern!  I have NO idea what I still need for him, but I know we still need a ton of stuff!  Ha!  We will get there eventually... I just need to stop procrastinating!