Well, May didn’t exactly start how I would want it, but knowing that April was a GREAT month gives me hope that a rough start to the month will lead to another GREAT month!April proved to be exactly what I needed in my running. While I planned on taking some time off, I knew that if I wanted to achieve my goals, I needed to do SOMETHING to change to take my training to the next level. So, I hired a running coach and I immediately PRed my race in April! I also completed every single workout as prescribed - something I admittedly slack on when I’m training myself. Well, except my long run this past weekend because I thought I only had an 8-mile run, when in reality, I had a 10-mile run. Ooops.
The two things I really slacked on though were my strength + flexibility workouts. I got up early the first Monday in April, only to have to put out some fires on one of the sites I manage and totally missed my yoga. And then I just couldn’t get back into it after that. Exhaustion has been REAL lately. If you’ve seen my steps on Garmin lately, you know I’ve been on my feet A LOT. And it’s really added up to total physical + mental exhaustion. Track season has wrecked my sleeping and any day I don’t need to get up early to run, I use that extra hour to sleep. It’s probably what I need more than a yoga session right now, but I know that I still slack on that flexibility aspect of my training.My strength workouts have been less than stellar lately too. I’ve been trying to get my strength in during my lunch time, which leaves me about 15 minutes to get my workout in. I am really in maintenance mode right now - trying to maintain my strength and not lose it, but some days are harder than others. Such is this season of life. My goal is to be back to 3 strength workout per week on my easy run days once track season is over next week and hopefully starting to see that strength really start paying off again!
April Miles: 117.8 miles
Year-to-Date: 409.6 miles
As for May, I actually have NO races scheduled! Typically I run 1 per month, but right now, I’ve got nothing. And I’m OK with that. I have a fun relay the first weekend in June, so I’m OK with an off month. Coach is adding some more mileage to my training schedule, which I am super excited about! I really like lower mileage training, but I am interested to see how my running improves as I get into higher mileage weeks in the summer. We are hoping to get into some 40-50 mile weeks, which will be a record for me. But, I think it is exactly what I will be needing in order to PR my 5Ks this year.