apple picking + back to running
I feel like I am a pretty well-versed St. Louisan, meaning there isn't too many things in St. Louis I haven't done. I've done all the big things St. Louis has to offer: the arch, City Museum, Science Center, Zoo, etc. But, there was one thing I haven't done yet: go to Eckert's Farm.I finally had my chance yesterday to celebrate my mom's birthday with my family. We met up with my parents and took the Grafton Ferry boat over from St. Charles to Illinois. Check that one off the list too - I've done a ferry boat before, but never the Grafton Ferry. Kenna loved it, even though it was a little cold.We made it to Eckert's and had to wait in line before loading up the tractor that took us to the apple orchard. We were able to pick some absolutely delicious Golden Delicious apples. I'm sort of an apple snob - Fuji are my favorite and I typically shy away from anything not red. But, these were absolutely some of the best apples I've ever had! Kenna + Matt picked a couple pounds worth while Miles slept in the Ergo and I took pictures.
We bypassed picking pumpkins (we're hoping to go to another local pumpkin patch in the next few weeks) and headed back to purchase our apples. I took a few more pictures and then Gigi + Pawpaw let Kenna and Braden jump in the bounce house. Let's just say it's a good thing we will have one at Kenna's birthday in a few weeks because both kids were pissed they had to get out.
We then headed to the Loading Dock for lunch and drinks before heading back home. It was a great afternoon - and the bonus is I have apples to eat all week!In other workout news, guess who's running again?! OK, so I told you last week, but I ended up running 3 days last week - with NO pain! Saturday was my longest run of 2 miles, but it felt awesome! My chiropractor even asked if he was working on the right foot this weekend because it felt so much better. I head to the physical therapist today, so here's hoping a good report to really get back in to training.Not much else to report workout-wise though. Only 2 more weeks until Rock 'n' Roll St. Louis - thankfully now I feel like I'll actually be running it. Not looking for a PR (I don't even know what mine is right now) but I'll be happy to be running a fun race + be a VIP for it too! Woohoo!