an unexpected run

Weekends are definitely different now with a baby in the house.  Weekends used to be a time for long runs, sleeping in, and relaxing.  Just 3 weeks into parenting, we are quickly realizing that those things are going to be a thing of the past.

MacKenna woke us up around 6 AM on Saturday morning to be fed.  Although I used to love waking up on a Saturday morning to go for a long run, it was nice to relax in bed, nursing my little girl, and then enjoying a hot bowl of oatmeal first thing in the morning.


However, I was able to get that run in.  Yes, you heard that right.  I RAN this weekend!  It was an incredibly beautiful day on Saturday (followed up by an even more beautiful day on Sunday) and I was determined to take full advantage of the nice weather we were having for November.  Matt needed a break from baby duty (I was taking advantage of him being home to get some much needed cleaning done around the house), so I strapped MacKenna in her carseat, snapped her in the jogging stroller, and head out for a little walk.

After a quick warm-up to the top of the neighborhood, I decided to test out running a little bit.  Oh. Em. Gee.  Running felt absolutely fabulous!  I was really worried that I wouldn’t be able to run due to pain at my incision site, but I felt absolutely no pain or pulling.  I did have one issue:  the boobs.  Never in my life did I think I would ever have to double up on sports bras to run, but I think as long as I’m nursing, this is going to be a must!  But, besides the girls giving me trouble, it felt nice to be running again!

I did a short 2 mile run/walk, alternating running with walking anytime I passed an intersection.  My pace was still pretty slow – 13 minute miles including walking – but I don’t expect to be back to my speedy running for several more months.  I did feel pretty out of shape for not having run in a month, but I can also attribute that to pushing the stroller.  I actually enjoyed pushing the stroller – it made running much harder and my hands were sweating like crazy, but it was fun to have my new running buddy with me!  And I’m totally up for the challenge of achieving new stroller PRs!

I will be talking more about how I plan to get back into running/training shape later this week when I talk about my post-baby bump body 1 month later.  Can you believe my little girl is going to be 1 month this week?!  I certainly can’t, but I’m glad it’s only been a month, because I still have a ways to go for both running shape + pre-preggo shape!

My reward for running…


…certainly isn’t helping me achieve that body, but I don’t care.  It tastes so dang delicious!  (Butterfinger + pumpkin – LOVED the texture of the Butterfinger, but it needed more chocolate!)

What’s your Saturday morning like?  Did you get to sleep in a bit?  It’s going to take some (more) adjusting to get used to waking up on MacKenna’s time table, but I’m enjoying those very early morning wake up calls as a time for us to bond.