an almost perfect 4th

After a week at the beach, we decided to have a pretty low-key 4th of July.  No BBQs, no gatherings to attend… just a nice, relaxing day to do whatever we wanted to do. 

We met up with Matt’s parents to go see Cars 2 at the theater.  It was alright… I definitely liked the first one better.  The second one just wasn’t nearly as funny.  But, I now know that I want to see a lot of other kids movies soon (which are usually my favorites anyway) and the Toy Story Short at the beginning of the movie was HILarious!

Every 4th of July, the city of O’Fallon has a huge festival with free music and fireworks.  The acts are announced a few months before, and when I found out that OK GO was the main act, I knew we had to go.  I fell in love with OK GO after this little video:

Only one of the BEST videos of all time!  They are my go-to when it comes to workout music.  Up beat, fun, easy listening… and they definitely didn’t disappoint in concert!  They sound just like they do on their album, are very crowd focused, and seriously talented!  They actually broke out some handbells, which I thought was seriously amazing!  As a former church handbell choir member, seeing handbells at a rock concert made OK GO even cooler than they already are!  I will definitely be seeing them again!



As they were finishing their last song, the fireworks started behind us.  I absolutely love fireworks – as long as they’re professional fireworks.  (I don’t do backyard fireworks, although my neighbors LOVE to.  It’s sounded like a war zone outside our house the past few nights.)





The fireworks were absolutely beautiful and it was a perfect night to watch them!  And what makes 4th of July even more perfect than a stop at Fritz’s, right?!  Well, it took us 15 minutes just to get out of the parking lot after the fireworks were over, so we were racing to get to Fritz’s before 11 PM, when they close.

As we pulled up, my car clock read 11:01, and the lights were out at Fritz’s.  {sad face}  OK, so Dairy Queen… nope, another #fail.

Luckily, Steak ‘n Shake is opened 24 hours and after seeing commercials for their Peach and Key Lime Shakes while on the treadmill, it sounded like heaven for this very hungry pregnant girl!



Matt got the key lime (with pie pieces) and I got the peach.  Totally refreshing and totally hit the spot and tamed my growling tummy!  Although I would’ve much rather eaten Fritz’s, Steak ‘n Shake was a perfect 4th of July ending.

