a pumpkin doozie

You know it’s the beginning of fall when the local custard stands start serving pumpkin pie concretes!  As The Concrete Runner, I feel it is my duty to not only taste every custard I come across, but to also revisit those places which serve pumpkin pie concretes!  [And yes, you are welcome! ;o)]

We had originally decided to go to Silky’s first last night, but upon walking up to the window, we noticed that their “seasonal” was not pumpkin but cinnamon streusel [which does sound amazing in its own right, but we were on a pumpkin mission].  So, we decided to head to one place I was positive was already serving pumpkin pie…


Doozle’s!  [You can read about our first visit here.]



A little refresher course, Doozle’s frozen custard is soft serve, as in it comes out of the machine and you can swirl it in a cone.  Not my ideal of frozen custard, but theirs is pretty rich + creamy still.

There are actually 3 different types of pumpkin concretes you can find:

1.  A slice of pumpkin pie actually blended in with the frozen custard.
2.  Canned pumpkin pie mixed in with the frozen custard.
3.  A pumpkin oatmeal pie [think Little Debbie] blended in with the frozen custard.

Doozle’s is of the first variety, an actual slice of pumpkin pie blended up concrete style.  Now, I must admit, I am not a big pie person, let alone pumpkin pie.  Oh yes, I LOVE pumpkin, but there is something about crust that I’m just not a big fan of.

However, blend it up with some vanilla frozen custard… now, you’re talkin’!


Oh, and it was just fabulous!  I actually found a big, ol’ piece of the pie crust with a little bit of pumpkin left on it in the middle of my concrete.  Nom nom nom…

It was definitely good, and I would definitely go back again for that specific concrete again.  But, of course it is only the first stop on our “Pumpkin Frozen Custard Tour”…

[Oh, and if you were wondering what the Hubs got… he went with the pecan crunch this time.  AWE-some!  You know how I feel about nuts in my custard, and their pecans were actually really good!  Not too salty and had the perfect crunch to them… plus a little caramel + hard shell chocolate always make everything better!]


I ran my last 20 miler before the marathon this weekend and will be doing a post about what I have learned from my training as I go into taper-mode for the Chicago Marathon!  Only 3 weeks away…
