a frozen custard love story

Earlier this week [Wednesday to be exact], I celebrated my 26th birthday.  Although I spent the day at work and most of the evening at home by myself, I still had a wonderful birthday!  Thank you so much to everyone for all the Facebook messages, emails, texts, and cards!  I feel so incredibly loved and wish I could give each and everyone of you a huge hug!

Not only was Wednesday special because it was my birthday, but Matt + I were also celebrating a very important anniversary.  9 years ago, we fell in love…

Matt + I started dating on my 17th birthday.  After spending the summer working + flirting at Fritz’s together, Matt finally got the guts to see if I wanted to hang out after work one night.  [I believe his exact words were, “Do you want to see my new truck?”]  He actually wasn’t the one to ask me out, I actually had to ask him if he wanted to get together on that fateful Saturday, that just so happened to be my birthday.

My parents were a little worried at first, since Matt is 4 years older than me.  A guy in college wanting to date a junior in high school… who could blame them?  But, his intentions were good of course, and he was more than happy to meet them before our date.

Our first date involved dinner at Chili’s, a movie at Mid Rivers [Joy Ride to be exact], and then driving around and walking on Main Street St. Charles.  I think the only time I’ve ever been more nervous was on our wedding day.  I think both of us pretty much knew going into the date that this was going to be for the long haul.

It has been an amazing 9 years… we are still very much in love and I fall in love with him more and more every day!  And, why wouldn’t I, when he takes me out to celebrate my birthday + our “anniversary” at the place where it all started…


Matt unfortunately had Parent Teacher Conferences at his school Wednesday night, so we decided to meet up for our “date” after he was done for the night.  [Don’t worry, we will be doing a real date tonight.]  And of course, the real reason we wanted Fritz’s…


Pumpkin Concretes!  Tonight’s Flavor of the Day was actually pumpkin cheesecake [they ran out by the time I was able to take a picture of the sign, so that is why it is blank], but we figured it was close enough to their “actual” pumpkin.  I decided to “create my own” concrete and went for the pumpkin cheesecake custard with chocolate chunks + caramel.


This was TO DIE FOR!  It was mixed PERfectly, so there were swirls of caramel and a little chunk of chocolate in every bite.  And the pumpkin flavor was spot on!

Matt’s wasn’t nearly as good as mine [I win this time for ordering better than he did].  He decided to get a Caramel Crunch sundae [caramel + pecans + hard shell chocolate] with the pumpkin cheesecake custard.  You couldn’t tasted the pumpkin custard nearly as well as you could in my concrete.


Overall, it was a wonderful birthday!  I could’ve have asked for a better husband + best friend to spend my birthday with!
