Last 90 Days Challenge

It’s October 1! How’s your goals from January looking, huh? Still sticking with them? Or did you fall off a LONG time ago?What would happen if you committed to the last 90 days of the year as much as you did the first 30 days of the year?  What would happen? Would you actually make a change? Or would you revert back to your old way of life and old patterns?Earlier this week, I was listening to Rachel Hollis’ RISE podcast (one of my favorite podcasts ever) and she talked about her Last 90 Days Challenge.  Her point was exactly what I stated above… Why don’t we commit to the last 90 days of the year as much as we do the first 30 days of the year.For me, looking back at January, it was one of my best months of the year. It honestly doesn’t feel as if it was all that long ago… There were a ton of highs + lows of course (one of my lowest of lows this year actually happened in January), but I came out of January as if I could rule the world.Then, I fell back in my old patterns, my old habits.What happened to my drive? What happened to my commitment? I mean, wasn’t my word this year COMMITMENT anyway?But, comfort starts to take over. Lack of believe in ourselves starts to overcome us. We start thinking, “I’ll start tomorrow,” or, “I’ll start Monday,” and yet, Monday becomes next week, next month, next year. And then we get to October, and we think, “To hell with it! My eating (or fitness or business or life) is going to be insane the next 90 days, so eff it all. I’ll start January 1.”

Do you see what is wrong with this thought process?!

And believe me, I’m preaching to the choir right now. This is TOTALLY my thought process. I am constantly telling myself, “Oh, I’ll do it next week or next month.” And now that we are on the verge of October, I’m thinking, I’ll just wait until 2019.


It has to end.

So, I’ve committed to the next 90 days to change my habits, to keep my promises to myself, so that when I look back on the end of 2018, I think, “Heck YES! I crushed the end of the year!”Y’all… 2018 has been the year of reaching for the stars for me… and it’s been HARD. I’m not even going to tell you how many times I have wanted to quit. But, I know that if I try to improve myself just a little bit every single day - like my mentor says, get 1% closer to your goals every day - I’ll be 365% better.So, who’s committing to living out the next 90 days to their fullest and NOT QUITTING on themselves?!Here is what I’m committing to for the next 90 days…

  • Drinking 60+ ounces of water every single day - BEFORE I can have ANY alcohol
  • Plugging my phone in the other room at bedtime so it’s not the first thing I look at in the morning
  • Not hitting snooze in the morning (putting my phone in the other room will help with this)
  • Choosing between alcohol or dessert in the evenings - if I have one, I won’t have the other
  • Drinking a green smoothie every single day
  • Writing my goals + journaling every single day

I’d love to hear (1) if you are taking on this challenge (you can sign up on Rachel Hollis’ site for more info) and (2) what you are committing to for the next 90 days in the comments below!