2011 spring half marathon training plan

So, I’ve really been meaning to develop a go-to DIY vanilla frozen custard recipe, but alas, I have been too busy making my own nut butters (thanks to Ashley and Angela).  So, instead, I figured it’s about time to share my training plan for the GO! St. Louis Half Marathon in April.

This will be my 3rd time running the half, but I also ran the full marathon back in 2008.  I’m not exactly a huge fan of the course – it is made up of rolling hills, and you never really feel like you are on flat ground ever, making it pretty tough.  But, it’s the “home town” race, so I love running it and supporting my favorite city (yes, I am a tad bit biased).

As many of you know, I am a huge Hal Higdon follower.  I used his Intermediate Half Marathon training plan for my first half back in 2005 (?) and have used it for every race since.  But, I’ve decided to change things up a bit, and start training using his Advanced plans.  It’s a little scary for me running 6 days a week instead of 5, but the mileage is still pretty low, so I’m not too worried about getting injured.  Plus, if I start feeling like 6 days is too much, I’ll take out an easy run.

I was really looking for a plan that had conservative mileage, with 2 speed training days for week since I am HOPING to PR at this race.  My current PR is 1:37:46, which I ran last April.  I am again HOPING to get under 1:35, but I’m not sure this is the year.

You’ll also notice that my long runs peak at 14 miles.  I’m trying something new and running OVER the distance to see if that makes a difference in my endurance during the race.

I did change the plan up a bit though.  My long runs are currently between 6 and 8 miles, and his advanced plan is wanting me to run for time, starting at 90 minute long runs.  That would put my long runs starting at about 11 or 12 miles – a bit TOO much for me, I think.  So, I changed up the long runs starting at 6 miles and adding a mile each week, with a step-back week every 3rd week – similar to his full marathon training plan I followed.

So, here it is.  Yes, I am already 2 weeks in, but better late than never right?!  Ignore the “strength” days… I’m still working on coming up with my own strength training plan, and it is taking a little longer than I would like to find something I am happy with – but that’s another post for another day.


Anyone else training for a half (or any other distance) this spring?  Do you have a go-to training plan?
