20 BOOKS IN 2021: 7 DOWN, 13 TO GO


In 2020, I set a goal to read 20 books.

Of course, at the time, we had no idea that I global pandemic was going to force us into our homes with an abundance of time on our hands, yet busier than ever.

For people like me who work from home, we were pretty set in our ways. So, when our whole families were home with us, it messed up our entire rhythm and - for me - my reading time.

Sure, I know I could have found plenty of time to read more, even with my husband + kids at home with me, but I didn’t, and I ended up falling short of my goal.

So, instead of increasing my unreached goal by one to fit the new year or lowering it because I didn’t hit it, I decided to make my reading goal for 2021 to read 20 books again.

Thankfully, I’ve had the house to myself most days so far this year, and with some ice + cold weather plus my Kindle app, I was able to get A LOT of reading done on the treadmill back in February.

I’m happy to say that just 3 and a half months into the year, I’ve already got 7 books under my belt and am on track to hit my goal of 20 books this year!

Here’s the other thing you should know about my goal, though… I LOVE books and I love when people recommend books to me. I have a list on my Trello board that is constantly growing. And when I see a book I want to read, it takes like one-click for me to just go ahead and order it.

But, here’s the problem… I have A LOT of books I own that have sat on my shelf for YEARS that I just haven’t gotten around to reading… yet.

So, in addition to my goal of 20 books, I’ve challenged myself to read all the books I have and haven’t read yet before I can buy or borrow any more books. And if my bestie gives me one to read, I add it to the top of my list so I’m not holding on to it forever, which makes it even harder.

You’ll notice my list below is ALL personal development books and ZERO fiction books. I don’t buy fiction books because I typically never read them a second time, so why buy them?! That also means that my growing stack of books I own are all personal development books. But, I LOVE non-fiction so I’m enjoying expanding my mind through my 2021 reading list.

My 2021 Reading List

(so far)

1. The Bullet Journal Method by Ryder Carroll

I’ve been interested in Bullet Journaling for years now. If you follow me on Instagram, you know I love to hand-letter. Plus, my love of writing + planning makes bullet journaling a natural fit for me. But, it takes TIME and I wanted to learn more about it before I fully dedicated myself to the process.

This book was different than I expected. When you think of bullet journaling, you think of these beautiful spreads that are ridiculously artistic. This book is NOT that kind of bullet journaling, and it’s really not even how he started the entire method.

While it might not be what I imagined it would be, I did learn A LOT about how to do it and have adapted my notebook to follow parts of the method. I still have my Day Designer planner, but I’m starting to branch off more + more to my own method in hopes to have my own planner for you someday!

2. The Lazy Genius Way by Kendra Adachi

If you like reading my blog or following me on Instagram, you will LOVE The Lazy Genius Way! The Lazy Genius is all about “being a genius about the things that matter and lazy about the things that don’t.” I absolutely LOVE the concept because it’s pretty much what I live by! It’s all about systems and organization - and how to live and work smarter, not harder!

This one will probably remain pretty high on my list this year and will be one that I revisit often! It actually sits on my desk next to my bed for quick reference!

3. Win the Day by Mark Batterson

I’m definitely a creature of habit. So, when I learned this book was all about habits, I knew I needed to read it! I love books about habits - High Performance Habits and Atomic Habits are 2 of my must-read recommendations.

Win the Day is about habits from a biblical perspective. I loved his little mantras for each habit and how he could relate everything back to scripture. It’s not the best book on habits I’ve read, but I did enjoy it.

4. That Sounds Fun by Annie F. Downs

This was a no-brainer on my list. I am OBSESSED with Annie F. Downs - I listen to both her podcasts religiously and just booked a trip with my best friend + business partner to go see her (+ MEET HER!) in Indianapolis this summer!

This one probably tops my list so far. I love “memoirs” that actually teach you something. That Sounds Fun is all about embracing being an amateur and finding hobbies. It’s so good and I know you will fall in love with Annie and all her fun as well!

5. The Next Right Thing by Emily P. Freeman

The Next Right Thing has been on my list for a while because it is all about decision-making. I’m an Enneagram 9 and my husband will tell you that I’m a TERRIBLE decision maker. Not because I can’t make a decision, but (1) I’m afraid to make the wrong decision, and (2) sometimes I really just want someone else to make the decision.

I really loved how easy this book was to read. And there were so many good little nuggets that I highlighted. I definitely think this is a great read if you’re going through a hard time in life. And there’s a journal that goes along with it - I have it but haven’t busted it out yet. Maybe soon?!

6. Building a Story Brand by Donald Miller

Building a Story Brand is another book I’ve had for YEARS. I actually read the first 2 chapters about 2 years ago and loved it, but never picked it back up. Knowing this is something I TEACH on a regular basis, I knew I needed to read this.

I’m a storyteller (obviously) and I believe there is POWER in our stories, especially when it comes to marketing your business. If you’re a business owner or in social media marketing, this is a MUST READ.

7. Get Out of Your Head by Jennie Allen

Are you sick of me telling you to add every single one of these books to your list?! Well, here’s one more! I heard Jennie talk about her book on several podcasts over the last year and I was a little nervous to actually read it. Her thoughts seemed to spiral much more than mine, but after having a pretty big breakdown back in August, I knew I needed to add this to my list.

Even better, my mindset coach actually highly recommends this book as well! It was so good to help me come up with some strategies when my thoughts start to spiral. I’ve gotten better with stopping and changing my thoughts over the past several months, but there are still times where I find myself feeling helpless and going deeper and deeper into desperate thinking.

If you struggle with depression and/or anxiety, I think you will really appreciate this book!


Seven down, 1 in progress, 12 to go! At least I know I don’t have 12 books already available so I’ll get some new ones toward the end of the year at least! More reasons for me to read a little faster!

My goal in 2020 was also to read 20 books. While I didn’t quite make my goal (I was 3 or 4 short), you can check out the books I did read in 2020 and which ones I highly recommend adding to your 2021 book list!