Last week, I had someone reach out to me in my stories and ask how I was still keeping up with my workouts during this time.

Y’all, don’t get me wrong… I feel like I have LESS time than I used. Between running multiple businesses (my own, The Biz Runners, and the businesses I help with as a contractor), homeschooling my kids, AND being their best friend right now too… I barely have time for anything else. (Right now, I’m thankful no one can come into my house because it’s a DISASTER… sorry, Mom…)

But, because I have less time right now, I need my morning workout more than anything. In fact, I need my entire morning ROUTINE more than anything right now. Starting my morning with this daily routine is the one thing that keeps me grounded. It keeps me SANE. Seriously, ya’ll… if I didn’t start my day the same way every single day, I’m pretty sure instead of writing this post right now, I’d be curled up in the fetal position, sobbing.

THAT’S how much I need this morning routine.

Look, I know not everyone feels the same way about their mornings. My husband is one example of that. He rolls out of bed around 8AM and that works for him. That wouldn’t fly for me. By 8AM, I need to have worked out, showered, and probably have my kids ready for the day (most days… we’re a little lax now).

I need time for ME first.

I know that might sound selfish, but friend, there is a REASON they tell you on an airplane (oh, how I miss traveling right now) to put your oxygen mask on FIRST.

I think now, more than ever, we NEED that time to ourselves. I know that might be my introvert, Enneagram 9 talking, but when is the last time you’ve actually had some alone time? For me, the ONLY time I get is those precious early morning hours. It’s pretty much the ONLY reason I get out of bed in the morning - to have some time ALONE.

Maybe you’re not a morning person.

Maybe you don’t need or like to workout first thing in the morning.

Maybe you HATE a schedule.

I am telling you, if you need anything right now, I believe it’s a morning routine that’s just for YOU.

And what better time to get the HABIT of a morning routine than when you maybe don’t have to be rushed to get the kids off to school or get to work on time?! I’d say now is the BEST time to come up with a morning routine that works for YOU.

So, let’s talk how to create that foolproof morning routine that makes you want to get out of bed each and every morning…

morning routine


My alarm goes off at 5AM every morning (except weekends, but I’ve been debating on that too). The reason I chose 5AM instead of my much preferred 6AM? It gives me enough time to get my workout in (usually 60 to 90 minutes, depending on how long I run for and if I lift weights or not), take a shower + get ready (admittedly, that takes me longer than most people), and be able to help get the kids breakfast between putting on my mascara and doing my hair.

By 7:30 or 8AM, I’ve gotten at least half of my steps in and am ready to go for the day. I don’t have to worry about trading off time with my husband to find time to workout or shower - it’s done and it didn’t interrupt anyone else’s schedule.

Now, if you don’t workout as long as I do or you don’t take as long to get ready (yup, I’m still in full hair + makeup most days… even if I’m not going anywhere), you probably don’t need to wake up at 5AM. Maybe 6AM or 7AM works better for you - and that’s perfectly fine! Just pick a time and commit to it!


I LOVE to start my day with a workout! When I was working as a teacher full time, I used to wake up at 3:45AM to make sure I got a run in before getting ready for the day. Could I have worked out in the afternoon after my work day was over? Absolutely. But, when I was doing that, I was more likely to get interrupted and miss my workout. So, morning worked best for me.

Don’t like working out first thing in the morning? Don’t! Maybe it’s reading a book or a devotional that gets you out of bed in the morning. Or maybe it’s 5 minutes of prayer or meditation. Or maybe it’s just that cup of coffee in SILENCE that you NEED to start your day.

Whatever that thing is, make it something that you look forward to every day. Or at least most days. Let’s be honest, there are PLENTY of days when I don’t want to workout. But, when I remind myself that it’s the ONLY time I get to myself right now, it makes it that much easier to get up!


Repeat after me…

I, state your name, promise to myself that for the next 30 days, I will commit to waking up at XXX and doing XXX first thing in the morning.

Here’s where I’m going to throw the curveball at you that you don’t want. I also want you to commit to not hitting SNOOZE for the next 30 days.

*womp womp womp*

Let’s talk about bad habits for a minute, shall we? Would you say hitting snooze 1, 2, 7 times is a GOOD habit, or a BAD habit? Even if you buffer in for the extra time, is there really a point in doing that? You’re just delaying the inevitable - and, to be honest, interrupting that extra 9, 18, 63 minutes of sleep.

So, instead of hitting snooze, for the next 30 days I want you to commit to picking a time and waking up at that time EVERY DAY (or at least during the week - I’ll give you some leeway on the weekends - but no hitting snooze still)!

I’m all about “intentions.” Yes, I know “good intentions are overrated” - thanks John Maxwell. And I don’t disagree with him there. But, I also believe in grace and that not everything needs to be all or nothing. Let’s say it’s day 12 and you’re EXHAUSTED. You slept horribly, the baby (or for us, the 8 year old) was up multiple times in the middle of the night, and you just WANT to sleep in. Girlfriend, that is FINE by me! Do what you need to do… but don’t STOP doing what you did the day before! Set your alarm the next day, don’t hit snooze, and begin again!


We already talked about hitting snooze first thing in the morning, but what about the other “bad habits” you’re doing - and probably not even realizing?

Question for you… what’s the FIRST thing you look at when you wake up in the morning? What’s the FIRST thing you’re giving your attention to?

Is it your cell phone? If you said yes, you’re not alone.

When you have your alarm set on your cell phone, it’s pretty hard to NOT look at your cell phone first thing in the morning. But, what if, instead of turning off your alarm and immediately checking your notifications on Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger, you put your phone down, kissed your significant other, and got up.

What if you didn’t even look at Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger until AFTER your morning routine?

I stopped sleeping with my phone in my room over a year ago and I’ve never looked back. I use a regular alarm clock now (which also helps negate all that blue light you’re getting looking at your phone right before bed) and even though I need my phone in the morning to check the weather for my run and to do my daily devotion on my YouVersion Bible app, I don’t allow myself to check social media until AFTER I am done running.

The thing that changed it all for me? Hearing a mentor say, “You realize the first thing you are giving your attention to in the morning isn’t your significant other, but all your ‘friends’ on social media?!” Whoa. Reality check.

Not looking at my phone first thing in the morning has truly given me a lot more freedom in my thoughts during my workout too. I’m no longer distracted by a negative comment or an opinionated political post. Instead, I can start my day with a fresh, clear mind that isn’t being weighed down by other people’s problems.

I suggest you give it a try and see how you feel too.

Friend, if you’re struggling right now and you feel like you’re just trying to keep your head above water - I FEEL YOU. We are in this together! But, I want to give you the gift of TIME right now. Especially time for YOU, because I know right now, you don’t have that. So, I truly hope this helps you find that time - even if it’s not the first thing in the morning, but finding some time to be alone in your thoughts and enjoy some peace right now.

Want to get more time in your days and take control of your calendar? Learn more about how Control Your Calendar can help you get up to an extra hour this week and help you create routines that actually WORK in your days!